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Are Chinese lanterns dangerous?

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I've found these on the Longshaw estate amongst the trees, and as far afield as Kinder Scout.

I see launching these as no better than dropping a crisp packet in the street.

Is that cheese and onion or salt and vinegar flavoured Chinese lanterns? :D

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Of course they are for the reasons outlined by several posters. We've had them land in the fields (one close to a barn full of hay) and in the apple trees.


I suspect those who launch them would not be impressed if people turned up to their house and started draping dangerous wire traps covered in canvas round their garden, then setting fire to them.

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We've started selling totally organic biodegradable ones that don't have any metal parts at all. They're a lot safer for the environment. But all that metal on the cheap ones that's landing anywhere in the wild, must be awful for the wildlife.

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We've started selling totally organic biodegradable ones that don't have any metal parts at all. They're a lot safer for the environment. But all that metal on the cheap ones that's landing anywhere in the wild, must be awful for the wildlife.


I tend to agree with you on most things but could you just not sell them at all. Do we need to be buying more junk to throw away? Even if it is biodegradable.

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