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Are Chinese lanterns dangerous?

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I tend to agree with you on most things but could you just not sell them at all. Do we need to be buying more junk to throw away? Even if it is biodegradable.


Actually, I totally agree with you, but it's all junk, really, isn't it?


I'd never use a Chinese Lantern myself as I think they're really environmentally bad, same with fireworks...

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Actually, I totally agree with you, but it's all junk, really, isn't it?


I'd never use a Chinese Lantern myself as I think they're really environmentally bad, same with fireworks...


After I wrote it I thought to myself, "It's a business, supply and demand and all that. Who wouldn't?". I can't and won't blame you. Good on you for sourcing the slightly more environmentally friendly ones.

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After I wrote it I thought to myself, "It's a business, supply and demand and all that. Who wouldn't?". I can't and won't blame you. Good on you for sourcing the slightly more environmentally friendly ones.


They really are awesome, actually. Take them from the packets and they'll start to deteriorate in just a little while. There's no metal anywhere and it's all really high quality.


None of this total tosh that's a quid each and will kill a rabbit just by looking at it!


But I often wrack my brains over the needless waste of it all. I want to move into virtual products, which don't have as much of an effect on the environment, but it's a slow and difficult process.

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I seem to recall a case where someone set a chinese lantern off & it got snagged on a neighbours plastic guttering, setting the house roof on fire!


The next door neighbors set a tree on fire last year with a lantern. I told them not to set if off in the garden so close to the trees, but did they listen?


Thankfully, the fire didn't take, but it could have so easily been a car or something really flammable.

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We've started selling totally organic biodegradable ones that don't have any metal parts at all. They're a lot safer for the environment. But all that metal on the cheap ones that's landing anywhere in the wild, must be awful for the wildlife.


Are these the ones where the metal is replaced with bamboo. ?

If so they are just as bad as they splinter when cattle try eating them, you've then got lots of little splinters instead of one piece of metal.

You can imagine the damage they cause internally.

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To be fair I have no desire to be a killjoy. As long as you attach a fireproof legal disclaimer authorising me to come and burn your terrace or tennemant or whatever you live in down, should your lantern touch down on my land then launch away my easily amused friends. Ouuuuuu, a shiny thing in the sky!!!!! We done been entertained just bestist tonight folks!

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