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Car Insurance Help??

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Before we start INSURANCEGROUP is NOT the companies name.



When questioning insurancegroup before i took out my car insurance policy, i asked them about the bonus miles they offered & that one of their criteria's I couldn't avoid doing as the times they don't want you to drive because I finished work then. I was told that I would just have my bonus miles reduced. I also asked them about buying top up miles, but they couldn't give me a price on how much they would cost until I had taken insurance out with them, but I still chose to take out the insurance as I didnt think i would need to purchase any.


Within the following days I received and appointment from there installation team who were coming to fit the tracking device which monitors my mileage. When they came, I was asked to fill out a form about my experience with insurancegroup when I took out my car insurance, by the time I finished filling this in the man fiitting the box had finished. but after a couple of days I noticed my dashboard was damaged and hanging loose.


Over the following months to this date, I have still not received my bonus miles which I was told I wouldn't lose due to my hours of work. I've had to buy some bonus miles to keep me afloat, and little did I know how expensive they were costing £70.89 for 250, £141.78 for 500 and £283.55 for 1000 miles, so I questioned them about this and I was told that I could have found the price out of these before I had even had a quote, but there was no information on prices to be seen. I phoned up pretending to be a new customer and asked about the top up miles and I was told that they were worked out on how much your insurance premium was (so how can I find out how much they cost before I get a quote?).


I have spoken to 2 different people today about cancelling my insurance with them due to them being extortionate, the first man MR-X said that I had to pay £30 for the administration free and £50 for the tracking box which I could understand, but then he said that I would be charged on how long I had left of the month, so I said I would get back to them while I got another quote with another insurance company. When I found a much cheaper one with another insurance company, I phoned insurnacegroup back and this time I spoke to MR-Y who said the same as MR-X did, but then he said I more than likely will have to pay the full premium, even though I was cancelling with them, he couldn't explain why and he didn't know the full terms and conditions. I still cancelled with them and I am waiting to hear from them now on how much it will cost.


Looking through the small print all the documents I received it doesn't state that you can check how much bonus miles cost before you take out the policy nor that they are worked out on the basis of your premium.


Can you help?

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Well it’s a lot easier to read but I still don’t know what it is you are talking about, cost of extra miles, damage to car, admin procedure or is it just a good old :rant:


The fact that I'm being told different stories when I contact the insurance company. There is nothing stated in the small print about their cost of top up miles. Now I'm being told that I now more than likely have to pay the full insurance premium when half an hour before I was told that I would only have to pay for the rest of the month.


I don't know what to do.

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Yeah its and English company and the call centre is based in England.


Yes I've explained to them my situation and concerns, and told them I wish to cancel. After speaking to two people I was told by one person that I would have to pay £80 for administration fee and for the box which was fitted then a further months payment which I can understand. When I phoned up the second time to defiantly cancel my insurance once I had found a new quote, another person said that I would have to pay the £80 but also I would more than likely have to pay for the rest of my premium.


Its not as much as the damage which was caused while fitting the box because that's quite minor at the moment, its the fact that I'm being told different stories and been given different cancellation fees within half an hour of each other.

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Gary, in general anything insurance related i would always recommend the forums at moneysavingexpert.com (martin lewis's website) - their posters are focused on this sort of thing and while you may get some good advice here it's a lottery, there you will almost certainly find someone who has been in the same situation as you, plus they have no objection to name and shame so you can mention names.

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If you have a legitimate case for being sold under false pretence (and I'm not prepared to judge that issue but it sounds like you might), then you can not only cancel and refuse to pay anything more but you could probably demand a refund of monies already paid.



If you don't, but want to cancel anyway, the insurance company is within their rights to demand you pay the entire rest of the annual premium. Buying a year's cover than changing your mind after a month or two, does not mean you don't have to pay for the whole year.

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Gary, in general anything insurance related i would always recommend the forums at moneysavingexpert.com (martin lewis's website) - their posters are focused on this sort of thing and while you may get some good advice here it's a lottery, there you will almost certainly find someone who has been in the same situation as you, plus they have no objection to name and shame so you can mention names.


I've posted also on MoneySavingExpert but reading through the forums, a lot of people are in the same situation as me with the same company. I have also contacted BBC's Watchdog via email over misleading and false information.

Tomorrow when call centres open, I will also be contacting Insurance Ombudsman about this company and I am sure I am not the only one who has contacted them over this problem.


Thanks for the referral though :)

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