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Remote Tribe Found Speaking with Yorkshire Accents

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Whilst having a smoke with friends over the weekend, I recollected reading an Internet article describing a tribe discovered in a remote part of the world (I thought South America) that, for some inexplicable reason, all spoke with a Yorkshire accent.


I know it sounds completely ridiculous, but has anyone heard this before?


I'm assuming I've come across an article on a spurious website such as Ananova, or a site of similar repute, but would love to read it again.


Please tell me this rings bells with someone.

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I think it was Arnold Shufflebottom from Parsons Cross. Went to chippy, got lost and ended up in the Upper Xingu region of the Brazilian Amazon. I think the language is officially known as "Tetley".


One of his descendants.... http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRGIN-CH2PTzO0qKTSvBSETmqCWesK-kSK8YoFSmOZmSiHUjlxIvg


Not sure of his descendants over there though.:hihi:

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I doubt this story very much although I read a story about Danish troops once being stationed near Hull during the war and they and the locals could understand each other without knowing the other's language because of similar roots of the languages. I know French, Italian, Spanish and Portuguese speakers who can understand each other for similar reasons. I've also heard some Americans pronounce words exactly the same as Irish people do although the accents are different. The same goes for Australians and cockneys. Accents do change as people move around the world. English people of Asian or African descent usually have an accent slightly different to white English people so I can't imagine anyone in another part of the world having a Yorkshire accent.

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