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Should I keep trying?

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I think things have back fired on me. Been seeing a married guy for a year, (I'm not proud of the fact he is married)! Not only is he married he is agrobphobic. I met him on a dating site but feel for him straight away. The feeling was mutal for him. He showed me alot of attention but he seemdd to get possed, not wanting me to go out and be in all the time.

We fell out a few times and he would go quite for days on me, but by a Saturday night he would be texting and calling me again. He lives an hours drive from me, but becuase i knew he loved me I traveled to see him when I could and when his wife was at work. Trouble is I was falling more and more in love with him and wanted to be with him. \i knew it would be a long process to get him out his house but it in the year I didnt see things moving any further forward. I eamiled him and called it off and said I couldnt handle not being with him and only seeing him as and when. He has not called texted or anything since, which I am so surprised by as I know and feel he really loves me. I know I have made a mistake and hate not speaking to him. I have tried everyhting calling him, texting, which Im sure im blocked or the ohone is off as tried from different numbers. tried emailing, I even drove down to his house and knocked on the door, and when that didnt work I put a note inhis letter box when I knew his wife was at work. What should I do myheart is breaking :mad:

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Oh dear, he used you. He had you on tap; calling you to come round when it was convenient for you. The whole agoraphobia thing was probably just something he made up as an excuse to keep you at arms length. Cut your losses and find a guy who's available because this one isn't and only wanted you for one thing.

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My initial thoughts are that you should try and accept that it is over. The relationship you describe above was never going to be a healthy one. It was carrying so much baggage that i fear it would probably have not worked out in the long run anyway.


There are a lot of us blokes out there. I would recommend you get back on those dating websites and start enjoying yourself again :)


Ohh, welcome to SF

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