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I liked Orchard Square the way it was

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I can't stand the crappy music they now pipe through the ceilings, it really cheapens the place, it is even in the Waterstones bookshop, I would like to browse for a book without listening to that rubbish. I no longer shop at Waterstones or frequent Orchard Square for that matter.

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I always assumed the 'gas' smell was from the health store/herbalists that was there. That's no longer there and as the smell has gone too maybe I was right.


There wasn't a herbalist in TK Maxx downstairs, so don't think a shop that had been in there previously would have contributed... It used to linger in the old TK Maxx lift, but was a constant feature of that old foodcourt... It was a dingy hole anyways:gag:

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I know years have passed but I've just remembered how good orchard square used to be with all the eateries downstairs with the fountains and the big crocodile, why did they have to alter it when it was only like that for a short space of time anyway ? why do they ruin everything, the council i mean !!:mad:


They used to have a little man play the piano down there every now and again too. I remember it well.

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yes forgot bout that 'gas' smell however i did use it - i used it a lot as both my kids were little then and used to love going, and in those days i worked in town so again i used it a lot, every time i went on a saturday you were hard pushed to find a seat cos it was always full


I agree it was a lot better, and I used to go in a lot, but like you said it was very hard to find a seat as it was always very busy !!!:)

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I know years have passed but I've just remembered how good orchard square used to be with all the eateries downstairs with the fountains and the big crocodile, why did they have to alter it when it was only like that for a short space of time anyway ? why do they ruin everything, the council i mean !!:mad:


yes i like it x

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What is it with Sheffielders and harping on about great everything was 5/10/20/50 years ago ?


Do they/we really just want to be left behind by the modern world ?


Well, up yours & safe passage back to Bulgaria! I'm not naturally disposed to look back - and as a Christian, I have a duty to look forward. And I'm not sure what vintage you are; but if you can recall virtually full employment and the guarantee of a job for life, you should conclude that things have got worse. My dad left school at 14, worked all his life and retired at 57 on a generous enhanced pension - something which I'm unlikely to be able to do!

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