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Fight or flight: which are you?

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When confronted with a scenario of being in a fist fight, for whatever reason, would you;-



  • Fight every time, no matter what, throwing the first punch?
  • Fight every time, no matter what, but NOT throwing the first punch?
  • Stand firm but only defend youself and loved ones etc?
  • Try to walk/run away each time?


And are men seen as cowards for not fighting? Is it 'best' to stand firm, but only await the first blow, or walk away and 'look weak'?


After all, animals have no ego and will simply fight, cower or run?

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Totally depends on the situation, as to what the best strategy or approach is.


Generally, no-one 'wins' a fight though. You don't benefit by being in a fight. There are a million things you can in the lead up to a physical confrontation that will help deflate the situation.

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Totally depends on the situation, as to what the best strategy or approach is.


Generally, no-one 'wins' a fight though. You don't benefit by being in a fight. There are a million things you can in the lead up to a physical confrontation that will help deflate the situation.

I agree, but wondered if 'deflating' the situation, ie. standing firm but not fighting or avoiding it altogether, is cowardly?

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I agree, but wondered if 'deflating' the situation, ie. standing firm but not fighting or avoiding it altogether, is cowardly?


I personally believe it's best not to think in terms of are you being a coward or not; it's better to just think strategically, i.e. weigh the situation and consider your options.


Do you think some guys would unwisely get involved in a fight, just because they don't want to be percieved as cowards by their peers?

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Totally depends on the situation, as to what the best strategy or approach is


I was gonna say that, every situation needs judging indivually.

Ive fought, talked and ran out of trouble in my time.

Talked a crackhead from sticking a fireaxe in my head once, if id tried grabbing it i could be armless now, who knows

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I personally believe it's best not to think in terms of are you being a coward or not; it's better to just think strategically, i.e. weigh the situation and consider your options.


Do you think some guys would unwisely get involved in a fight, just because they don't want to be percieved as cowards by their peers?

No, not at all. It takes more guts, in my opinion.

I was faced with this exact situ a month or so ago, the other person, a bit bigger than me, started to stand an inch from my face shouting insults and taunts about me/my family etc, trying to get me to attack first, brandishing a bat (initially) and threatening to get a gang/mates involved(??) and break my legs!

I kept smiling, occasionally cussing back and saying what a childish, moronic <REMOVED> he was, and if to do anything, do it alone and do it now? He didn't, but blew a load of hot air and shouted insults as I walked off (after 20 minutes of proving I wasn't backing down). But I felt a coward afterwards.

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I was faced with this exact situ a month or so ago, the other person, a bit bigger than me, started to stand an inch from my face shouting insults and taunts about me/my family etc, trying to get me to attack first, brandishing a bat (initially) and threatening to get a gang/mates involved(??) and break my legs!

I kept smiling, occasionally cussing back and saying what a childish, moronic a** he was, and if to do anything, do it alone and do it now? He didn't, but blew a load of hot air and shouted insults as I walked off (after 20 minutes of proving I wasn't backing down). But I felt a coward afterwards.


You did the right thing. He wanted you to react and you didn't. You were the bigger person in that scenario.


I was in a similar situation last year, in which the person was asking me to fight. I calmly smiled and told him I wasn't interested. I just turned my back and walked away.


Fighting is kids stuff. If someone is not mature enough to solve things without resorting to violence, then they clearly have issues and are not worth wasting your energy on.

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