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Hypothetical question: who would benefit from cancer cure ?

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Yeah, it is a daft question, but the people who would benefit from a cure for cancer would be cancer patients, their families and their friends... Nothing worse than seeing a close relative be eaten away by this disease, you wouldn't wish it on your worst enemy... There will sadly, never be a absolute cure for cancer, and we haven't made significant moves forward really... secondary breast cancer, for instance, is still a death sentence... Noone has ever had this and survived...

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this is what I was thinking about.





But this topic is getting too conspiracy theory for me, It just the more you think about things of this nature you realize just what a Pandoras box it would actually be rather than the good thing that it should be on the surface of it.


I guess with the "full economic costing" that the charity grants come with, a number of the research universities might have a rough ride for a while if there was no cancer money coming in to fund medical school lecturers and the like.

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General Electric were supposed to have invented a light bulb that would never blow and promptly locked away the patents.


We know that can't be true, because research does not happen in isolation. If one person working for GE had worked it out, others would also have done so.

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We know that can't be true, because research does not happen in isolation. If one person working for GE had worked it out, others would also have done so.


Yes I agree it's probably just a story. The way I heard it an inventor took his invention to GE without the protection of patents. They paid him off with a News International type confidentiality agreement and sat on the invention.

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Even if nature was to catch up and the added over population was to take its toll and other diseases became rife, it would take some time for this to happen. What Im talking of is a cure that create a population boom.


I note what your saying about Cuba and that world wide the health system there is envied, I assume that the population ratio has had time to adapt and imagine people have less children as a result ? I have no knowledge if this is the case or not but I know there health service would have been progressive and been able to be adjusted to if it is as good as they say.


Concerning Cuba; their success was purely by accident & a response by Americas’ enforced isolation on them. When the US imposed trading sanctions on Cuba, they also stopped the country from trading with pharmaceutical companies; in fact mothers were unable to get baby milk. This lead the government of Cuba to undertake its own pharmaceutical research & manufacturing, alongside this intermediaries travel the globe buying new medications which are then sent back to Cuba, analysed &then manufactured in Cuba, not only do they manufacturer they also continue to improve & research new uses.


Cuba therefore doesn’t suffer the extortionate cost these pharmaceutical companies charge, give you an example, in the UK to treat one person with Multidrug resistant TB would cost the NHS £60.000, pounds in drugs, I have on many occasions given antibiotics via IV which have cost £2-3,000 at a time. Cuba doesn’t have to suffer this type of ‘being held to ransom’, pharmaceutical companies in my view profit on the suffering, they state that the cost of research justifies the charges, BS.

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Concerning Cuba; their success was purely by accident & a response by Americas’ enforced isolation on them. When the US imposed trading sanctions on Cuba, they also stopped the country from trading with pharmaceutical companies; in fact mothers were unable to get baby milk. This lead the government of Cuba to undertake its own pharmaceutical research & manufacturing, alongside this intermediaries travel the globe buying new medications which are then sent back to Cuba, analysed &then manufactured in Cuba, not only do they manufacturer they also continue to improve & research new uses.


So in fact, Cuba only has medicine at all because it steals patents?

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So in fact, Cuba only has medicine at all because it steals patents?


Some of them yes, others by their own research, however they refuse to trade their new found discoveries, as they say they must abide by the trade sanctions imposed on them. I know a team of surgeons who went on a trip there sometime back, they were looking at Cuban heart surgery, this included looking at drugs used to stabilise heart conditions, they were more than impressed.


What you have to remember when the US imposed trade sanctions, a lot of Cubans suffered, as I said baby’s milk, simple medications & antibiotics was all unavailable, the Americans sat by & watched people not far of their coast suffer, so you can't blame them for taking the initiative producing their own, even if some of those medications are the result of stolen patents.

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Some of them yes, others by their own research, however they refuse to trade their new found discoveries, as they say they must abide by the trade sanctions imposed on them. I know a team of surgeons who went on a trip there sometime back, they were looking at Cuban heart surgery, this included looking at drugs used to stabilise heart conditions, they were more than impressed.


What you have to remember when the US imposed trade sanctions, a lot of Cubans suffered, as I said baby’s milk, simple medications & antibiotics was all unavailable, the Americans sat by & watched people not far of their coast suffer, so you can't blame them for taking the initiative producing their own, even if some of those medications are the result of stolen patents.


I didn't say I blamed them. I'm just pointing out that it is utterly ridiculous to praise Cuba as a good example of healthcare, when everything that they have only exists because of profit-making companies in other countries.

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Back on the thread's topic (sort-of):

The thread's discussion is fascinating AND a very good example of meaningful argument, tempered and polite. Although it sounds crawly to say so: well done for members' excellent well-judged contributions (with none of the usual descent into abuse).

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