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Hypothetical question: who would benefit from cancer cure ?

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If the cure was in the form of a pill then wouldn't this just eventually cause the cancer to mutate and become even stronger?


This is the problem as far as i'm aware with drug treatment nowadays.


We're given drugs for almost everything so we're not evolving the means to fight diseases anymore and the diseases are having to mutate and become stronger and stronger and immune to more of our drugs.


If anybody wants confirmation of Charles Darwins ideas then there it is as far as i'm concerned.

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If the cure was in the form of a pill then wouldn't this just eventually cause the cancer to mutate and become even stronger?




Not really. It depends what causes the cancer and the type it is. You would need to ask an onlocogist. But 'pills' (ie drugs) act in different ways on different diseases.

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Back on the thread's topic (sort-of):

The thread's discussion is fascinating AND a very good example of meaningful argument, tempered and polite. Although it sounds crawly to say so: well done for members' excellent well-judged contributions (with none of the usual descent into abuse).

Well I don't think its crawly :thumbsup:


Bah, now I sound crawly lol


I know what you mean though, so many discussions become conflicts with people point scoring or trying to save face. Saying that its only a couple of pages of debate and things can go down hill quick on SF. I hope it does not though because its a topic anyone can think about and have an opinion on without all the chest sticking out stuff.


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If the cure was in the form of a pill then wouldn't this just eventually cause the cancer to mutate and become even stronger?


This is the problem as far as i'm aware with drug treatment nowadays.


We're given drugs for almost everything so we're not evolving the means to fight diseases anymore and the diseases are having to mutate and become stronger and stronger and immune to more of our drugs.


If anybody wants confirmation of Charles Darwins ideas then there it is as far as i'm concerned.

Im not sure that it would work like that.

I think if we were talking about an organism like bacteria or virus then that would be the case, but from what I know of cancer it is the bodies own cells that loose instruction to die off and just carry on growing/mutating ?


If there was something that could tell the bodies immune system to recognize such abnormalities then I think (all guess work here) that the body could destroy the cancer as it forms. Given that they are cells of the body they are probably not seen as alien and left to do what they want.


If we were to discover that a particular virus was responsible for initially damaging the cells and we targeted that, then I guess we would be in a long running battle with the virus and treatment because it would have the potential to mutate and get around treatment.

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Not really. It depends what causes the cancer and the type it is. You would need to ask an onlocogist. But 'pills' (ie drugs) act in different ways on different diseases.
I was thinking on the lines of us being able to identify cells that have a sort of damaged gene that have the potential to mutate and either putting some sort of marker on those cells so the body could deal with them or reintroduce something into the body like a protein to correct the damaged genes, this of course is fantasy island stuff really and would have an added bonus of prolonging life span to who knows what limit.

I don't know enough about it all but have enough to speculate that we could one day have a sort of treatment of cancer that could be one treatment for all cancers.


Same again though it throws up the question that if the treatment of cancer had a side effect of giving cells indefinite health then we would be in an even bigger predicament when thinking of introducing it to the masses given that the planet cant seemingly sustain us as it is. That would be a very good reason not to find the sort of cure that had a 100% success rate, and continue down the treatment road.

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