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Einstein's works. Were they unique to him?

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If it wasn't for the Islamic scholars of astronomy and mathematics (around 500 – 1200 AD)

we would probably still living in mud huts.


I may be wrong (should check) but didn't Islam appear in around 800AD.


But, there was sophisticated architecture way before that, just think of Egypt, Ancient Greece, etc...

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Any ideas why the Chinese didn't use gunpowder as an explosion? Were they / are they a more peaceful bunch?


They were never an invasive bunch of people. China was the greatest land and there was no reason for them to look elsewhere. Smething like that.


Although, there are accounts they may have reached the USA and the Egyptian/Chinese ancestry conspiracies are well documented.

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Not quite on a par with Albert Einstein, however, Charles Darwin was spurred on to publish his revolutionary book 'On the Origin of Species' (i.e. theory of evolution) in the 1850s because a chap working in Borneo called Alfred Russel Wallace had sent him an essay of his own evolutionary theory for comment that was virtually identical to Darwins own theory.

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