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I am a bit of a history lover and am stumped by this? If you walk towards moorthorpe and turn right just after crossing the brook and carry on you come to a small wooded enclosure in this there is what seems to be a very rough concrete remains of a fortification. ww2 ? If you study the lay of the land any invasion is due to come up from the direction of crystal peaks(this part is east/southeast and is very steep.) On top of this is are old concrete blocks that hint at gun emplacement with the remains of what look like an entrance to a underground block house near by, or am i talking rubbish and that they are infact remains of one of the many pits in the area.

Go see for yourself if you get off the tram at donetsk way head towards moorthorpe turn right after crossing the small stream follow the path keeping the doctors on your left you will come to the small woods and the remains are in there but the fact they are so statejic leads me to believe it was done in haste the concrete looks very rough done during the late 30's early 40's.

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