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Racism on Forum

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It seems as if you question immigration or indeed anything that may show others in a negative light the combined shouts of Racism is almost deafening,yet the same people who shout racism are usually those who rush to defend a religion that by its own admittance through its scriptures is racist and rabidly anti semitic.....I have just realised why the racist shouters are usually the first to bring the BNP and EDL into the debates,they fear being labelled racists and use these factions as a cushion against their racist/muslim insecurities.

Your posts are as boring and predictable as your ever changing forum identities. :help:

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Very interesting contributions.


There was a film called White men cant jump, if I made a film called black men cant count, or asian men cant drive, chinese men smell funny etc is that racist? Or in the context of entertainment should a title of a book or film contain such a statement?

Watching the film would have established that a white man could indeed jump.


Not too many white players in the NBA, however plenty of African men doing arithmatic and Asian men driving. :)

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Of course sometimes the use of the word is appropriate, too often it isn't.

You are labouring on this issue somewhat. From what I've seen here, it is not often that someone will be addressed as a racist, in fact it is usually one of the forum's resident racists making some supposedly pre-emptive strike by blithering on about not being able to say what they want to/have no good grounds for, lest they are called the 'R' word. A few are so blatantly racist in their viewpoints that you'd think they'd wear it as a badge of honour. Too busy being malevolent, posturing as some sort of 'victim' I suppose. To hell with them all, pustules on the backside of humanity! :D

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It's not unnatural for anyone:

a. to prefer those similar to oneself; and

b. to look askance at those different from oneself.

'Similar' is almost meaningless unless it is qualified in some way. There are so many ways another person can be both similar and simultaneously different to you. You may be far more similar in values and affinities to someone whose appearance is the polar opposite of your own, than someone who resembles you.


It undermines the real racism which should be challenged, much in the same way that the few women who make false rape charges ruin it for women generally.:(

All racism should be challenged. All racism is real, not just that which has the greatest consequence. It's never hard to find people who want to play down racism when they see it as slight, pointless or making a lot of noise about nothing but those people will rarely be from the group on the receiving end.


But you can't post on here without someone taking offense and calling the racist card; just like real life and the simply outrageously 'politically correct' world in which we live.

This doesn't take into account that there are a handful of users on here, some of them far-right activists who post only to put forward hateful viewpoints in the hope that the gullible with take them on board. The forum has a problem with users who are banned for unacceptable behaviour coming back again with new identities.


If someone is expressing a racist viewpoint it is quite proper that they will be pulled up on it.


On the forum it's just a word used to shut people up. It doesn't really have much meaning to it.

Nonsense. It never shuts them up, it makes them play the victim, whining about being put upon, as if they hadn't done anything to warrant it. :rolleyes:


"Natural" is not always good.


We are all "naturally" inclined to have racist/xenophobic thoughts sometimes.


We have to fight this nature of ours.


I'd call it social conditioning.


I agree chorba, I've said before here that we all make generalisations about people based on what they look like, but it's acknowledging that and not accepting it as a virtue which is the important thing.

I make them more body language and facial expression, possibly more the 'vibe' they give off.


I'm not sure how you can be proud of your own race since there may be people who are members of it who have qualities you don't aspire to

Strength in adversity when you are being marginalised by people purely on ethnic grounds. You know you are as good as anyone else and that they are the ones who make themselves lesser examples of humanity through their sick behaviour.


Stereotyping is not in itself discriminatory. There is even some research that indicates that ethnic and gender stereotypes are surprisingly accurate, this is in stark contrast to political and nationalistic stereotypes which are generally inaccurate.


Of course stereotyping is discriminatory! (Regardless of whether some stereotypes will sometimes be accurate). Of course they will be accurate sometimes but to stereotype someone is often to simply make an assumption about them based on what you've decided to believe and not based on what you see. That's the height of discrimination - and still institutional in the UK.

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Very interesting contributions.


There was a film called White men cant jump, if I made a film called black men cant count, or asian men cant drive, chinese men smell funny etc is that racist? Or in the context of entertainment should a title of a book or film contain such a statement?


Read the bit describing the plot of the film in this link and you may realise why the film was called "white men can't jump" :rolleyes:


What your post does show is that you just concentrated on the white men part of the title and then go on about if you made a film called black men can't count, or asian men can't drive or chinese men smell.

The point you thought you was making is a non starter.

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Very interesting contributions.


There was a film called White men cant jump, if I made a film called black men cant count, or asian men cant drive, chinese men smell funny etc is that racist? Or in the context of entertainment should a title of a book or film contain such a statement?


You'll probably discover that the film "White Men Can't Jump" was produced and created by white men.


You may remember the 'blaxploitation' films of the 70's that featured black actors playing stereotypical roles..remember 'Huggy Bear' in Starsky & Hutch or Mandingo?

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You are labouring on this issue somewhat. From what I've seen here, it is not often that someone will be addressed as a racist, in fact it is usually one of the forum's resident racists making some supposedly pre-emptive strike by blithering on about not being able to say what they want to/have no good grounds for, lest they are called the 'R' word. A few are so blatantly racist in their viewpoints that you'd think they'd wear it as a badge of honour. Too busy being malevolent, posturing as some sort of 'victim' I suppose. To hell with them all, pustules on the backside of humanity! :D


How does that work then? People say "you calling me racist" before they've even been called racist? Can't say I've ever seen that.


There are racist people on the forum, I've reported them before for blatently using racially derogatory terms against people.


That is when the word does apply, when people are using words like n#gg#r, p#ki etc or using negative racial stereotypes to justify something.


Unfortunately though I have seen it time and again, simply having strong views on immigration, or a negative view of one particulr religion (whilst other religions are fair game) is enough to be called racist. I know because I've been on the end of it. There really is no need to come out with it as some sort of pre-emtive defensive mechanism, because it comes out anyway just for having certain views.

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I disagree with the bold,
I was very careful with my language, that's why I said "gratuitously", in other words use the race card without justification.

Yes there are some who do this some of whom may be racist but lots of them are not, they feel the need to say it first for instance if they are to criticize for example mass Immigration because over the last 10 years or whatever anything other than positive comments are made out to be pondlife and shouted down by a bunch of keyboard warriors, There a lot of people who are in all honestly complete and utter ******s but hide behind this ''anti racism'' slant to make them look good and score points.

There is no need to preface a post until the accusation is made..it would be as crass as me starting every sentence by saying something like "I'm black, so I expect to be pilloried by the racists here...", the racists would be on my case in an instant, and rightly so.

I have seen countless threads on forums where people have been bullied beyond belief by some of these ''heroes'' for making a comment,joke etc that someone has taken upon themselves to decide they are racist, its happened in the celeb world as well a few times, To me bullying is far worse than a throwaway comment such as these. (I'm not talking about real obvious racism here, but things that could be viewed as such by some)

Its quite sickening to watch due to the crass self righteous hypocrisy.

I agree, but if you look at the threads concerning race or religion they're invariably started by people with an anti Muslim agenda or anti immigration and when challenged the foundation of their hatred is a dislike of people of a different colour/nationality. I've rarely seen threads started by someone who has an anti Islamic agenda who has a balanced view of the situation-mj scuba perhaps being the exception. And to be honest, I've no problem being 'hardcore' with someone I genuinely believe to be a racist, since they are bullies themselves. The political parties they support would hardly be sympathetic or accommodating to non whites if they ever came to power.

Generally I take people as they are regardless of skin colour, my best mate at school was Asian ..not because he was Asian but because he was/is as sound a kid as you could wish to meet, most people know there is good and bad of whatever race, the main problem I think is clash of cultures not colours a clash we never had a say in, creating resentment.

I agree, I'm the same but the problem lies in the people of other races who we don't know to which it's easy to make negative generalisations about.

Quite simply the word has been massively overused to score points,win arguments and get out of trouble and someone who has experienced real racism should be annoyed by this.

The word is overused by both sides of the debate.
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