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Racism on Forum

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Just to make it clear from a forum standpoint:


Users may hold whatever wishes they want, but it is against forum rules to post on the forum any posts which contain language of hatred, language or opinions which others are likely to find offensive or anything which has an apparent intent to incite hatred in others.


I often see opinions that I find offensive. I wouldn't expect my offence to be grounds for removing them though.

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How does that work then? People say "you calling me racist" before they've even been called racist? Can't say I've ever seen that.

That's not what I wrote ....

"making some supposedly pre-emptive strike by blithering on about not being able to say what they want to/have no good grounds for, lest they are called the 'R' word"

If you didn't get the correct meaning from what I wrote there, one can't be confident that you'd always spot someone being racist either. (No offence intended).


There are racist people on the forum, I've reported them before for blatently using racially derogatory terms against people.


That is when the word does apply, when people are using words like n#gg#r, p#ki etc or using negative racial stereotypes to justify something.

Far too simplistic a breakdown of what is and isn't racism and not the sort of racism I'm thinking about re. the forum. That is the type that no one, even if they wish to, can sweep under the carpet. I'm talking about the viewpoints people cling to, which qualify them as racist. They may never throw an racially-charged insult but they are defined by what they choose to believe.


Unfortunately though I have seen it time and again, simply having strong views on immigration, or a negative view of one particulr religion (whilst other religions are fair game) is enough to be called racist. I know because I've been on the end of it.

'Strong views' is vague because it depends upon what was actually written in each instance but 'strong views' could quite easily equate with 'racist views'.


There really is no need to come out with it as some sort of pre-emtive defensive mechanism, because it comes out anyway just for having certain views.

No, no need but some do it because they love to pose as "the oppressed white man" even in their European dominated society. :suspect:

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Not everyone is as thick skinned as you? I've seen countless people, including myself, be accused if racism on here, people whom know NOT to be racist. Some have been hounded off the board, bullied and threatened. It is disgraceful behaviour and some cannot withstand it despite having the courage of their convictions.


I don't believe it's anything to do with being 'thick skinned', I don't regard that as a virtue, hurtful things have been said against me and by me, but yesterday's insults are today's forum chip paper, personally I try not to bear grudges, apart from one or two who are beyond the pale ;)


But if you propagate robust views, which you and I both do, then the challenges to them are likely to be equally robust..so if the people you refer to can't stand the heat in the kitchen then they've done well to get out of it, that's the fault of nobody and a choice they've made freely. If they'd restricted themselves to the knitting forum then they'd probably still be here.


There are many right wing posters here, one I can think of in particular who makes sensational and often objectionable statements, and I'm guessing that often when they do they receive a ban before returning reinvented to keep sticking the pitchfork into their dissenters, myself included. At least they keep coming back and maintain a disciplined argument, putting themselves forward in a provocative way which is quite admirable in my opinion.

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Unfortunately, some people feel that you cannot be racist (or a racist) unless you deliver a negative impact on the life of another through your actions.


This is pure denialism. Within the minds of those who believe the white-supremacist doctrines they are fed, resides more racist thought than would even be seen in words and actions.


If people can improve their thinking by questioning and challenging what they are told: resisting the idle acceptance of stereotypes, refusing to accept the convenient scapegoats that are tossed to them, investigating information sources and their motivations and dissecting what they read as simply 'fact', then they will realise how much biased and unfounded opinion they've been consuming, hook, line and sinker. Of course this applies generally, not just on the subject of race.

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