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Racism on Forum

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in my experience racism is mostly first mentioned in anticipation of an accusation that never arrives. far from shutting anyone up it is used by racist s to play the victim whilst victimising others


In my experience, it's a label put on people when others just want to shut them up and stifle any sensible debate.

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My bold: Nobody would be allowed to post anything then since no matter what anyone posts there will always be sombody who objects to it. SF is full of comments that try to change peoples' opinions and objectionable to some, but not all of them are deleted, which makes the content of your post inaccurate.


Iv been posting quite freely and havent had any one object to it. As long as you post sensibly and dont post vile comments im sure no1 will object too it.


However Some forumers turn 10 men on here and post disgusting comments, if they were face to face they'd wet their pants:hihi:

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Many contributors mention mention racism when posting.


What is racism? Is it hatred of other races creeds or colours? or is it pride in ones own race?




What is there to discuss, you should have just looked in a dictionary, racism is clearly and simply defined.

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in my experience racism is mostly first mentioned in anticipation of an accusation that never arrives. far from shutting anyone up it is used by racist s to play the victim whilst victimising others


Indeed, the irony is that the people who make xenophobic comments often don't see it in themselves and are in denial about it, so offload their guilt onto others who challenge their utterances.


The fact is if they believe what they say then they should be proud to call themselves racists..it's not my fault they are!

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snip... I'm being playful here but I suppose one example where gene diversity could be demonstrated to be a good thing is Australia, where the incidence of skin cancer has increased dramatically due to the introduction of Europeans to the country. Conversely the indigenous population have a genetic propensity to diabetes which can be life shortening. It could be argued that the white Australians and the black ones should get their act together to ensure their long term future!


Now that would be an interesting experiment in eugenics. Getting clearance from the local ethics board may be somewhat problematic.

From a genetics standpoint it is not to difficult to imagine a wee bit of tinkering with the genes involved in skin pigmentation in order to provide the white population with the same protections as the indigenous Australians, they would of course no longer be white. Similarly maybe messing about with the genes responsible for HLA antigens of the indigenous population may sort out any problems with type I diabetes. This is of course O such more simple to say than do.






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Now that would be an interesting experiment in eugenics. Getting clearance from the local ethics board may be somewhat problematic.

From a genetics standpoint it is not to difficult to imagine a wee bit of tinkering with the genes involved in skin pigmentation in order to provide the white population with the same protections as the indigenous Australians, they would of course no longer be white. Similarly maybe messing about with the genes responsible for HLA antigens of the indigenous population may sort out any problems with type I diabetes. This is of course O such more simple to say than do.




Conversely you'd have to whiten dark skinned people who live in the higher latitudes so that they get enough Vitamin D. Let's face it, it's not going to happen. :hihi:

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Now that would be an interesting experiment in eugenics. Getting clearance from the local ethics board may be somewhat problematic.

From a genetics standpoint it is not to difficult to imagine a wee bit of tinkering with the genes involved in skin pigmentation in order to provide the white population with the same protections as the indigenous Australians, they would of course no longer be white.







You should see my family barleycorn, a veritable cornucopia of skin colours, physical differences and languages. Particularly on my father's side where his mother to all intents and purposes was 'white', but had 'black' parents herself. My father looks like a Mexican and I was surprised when I saw a picture of his Jamaican cousin who looked Chinese but with a black face...weird indeed! My sister's son looks white (he has a Macedonian father),and has the appearance of an East European.


Just goes to prove that racism is a misguided emotion since many of us are not actually what we appear to be.

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For me its when someone stereotypes a group of people, normally based on colour of their skin.


Stereotyping is not in itself discriminatory. There is even some research that indicates that ethnic and gender stereotypes are surprisingly accurate, this is in stark contrast to political and nationalistic stereotypes which are generally inaccurate.





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