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Racism on Forum

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Evenin Glam, have you seen my posts supporting the BNP's right to speak? I hardly do that because I'm afraid of being described as a racist.


Also it's perfectly possible to have a sensible discussion about immigration without anyone being branded a racist, but that doesn't mean some of the people who contribute to such discussions aren't.


More often than not their posts are prefaced with the usual thread killing statement"before I'm accused of being a racist..."

Iv decided to be a Arachnophboist just for you BF

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..I never had you down as a sickly old mare Suffy ;)

I feel ill just reading that post. What deseases (sic - no pun intended there!)? Am I going to peg it this week? I need a doctor.:help:


Hey don't you go judging spiders Glam, they're all individuals you know :D

Hey, are they Martian?

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Stereotyping is not in itself discriminatory. There is even some research that indicates that ethnic and gender stereotypes are surprisingly accurate, this is in stark contrast to political and nationalistic stereotypes which are generally inaccurate.





My bold


Yes, it is!! I don't care how accurate stereotypes might be, even if 99% of an ethnic group/gender comply completely, that still leaves 1% who don't.


Treating that 1% as if they do conform to the stereotype is discrimination.


People are individuals and should be treated as such, regardless of colour/creed/sexuality/age/skin colour or any other "accidental" aspect of themselves.


(By "accidental", I mean things that people have no control over, there probably is a better word I could use, but I can't think of it at the moment.)

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My bold


Yes, it is!! I don't care how accurate stereotypes might be, even if 99% of an ethnic group/gender comply completely, that still leaves 1% who don't.


Treating that 1% as if they do conform to the stereotype is discrimination.


People are individuals and should be treated as such, regardless of colour/creed/sexuality/age/skin colour or any other "accidental" aspect of themselves.


(By "accidental", I mean things that people have no control over, there probably is a better word I could use, but I can't think of it at the moment.)



Yawn! What's the point.

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To be honest IanG the people I see gratuitously use the race card here are more often than not the people who generally might be regarded as 'racists'.


How often do we see posts like "I can't say what I want about Asians for fear of being branded a racist"? Or "I'm not being racist but..." then go on to make crass and negative generalisations about people based on their racial origins?


I disagree with the bold, Yes there are some who do this some of whom may be racist but lots of them are not, they feel the need to say it first for instance if they are to criticize for example mass Immigration because over the last 10 years or whatever anything other than positive comments are made out to be pondlife and shouted down by a bunch of keyboard warriors, There a lot of people who are in all honestly complete and utter ******s but hide behind this ''anti racism'' slant to make them look good and score points.


I have seen countless threads on forums where people have been bullied beyond belief by some of these ''heroes'' for making a comment,joke etc that someone has taken upon themselves to decide they are racist, its happened in the celeb world as well a few times, To me bullying is far worse than a throwaway comment such as these. (I'm not talking about real obvious racism here, but things that could be viewed as such by some)

Its quite sickening to watch due to the crass self righteous hypocrisy.


Generally I take people as they are regardless of skin colour, my best mate at school was Asian ..not because he was Asian but because he was/is as sound a kid as you could wish to meet, most people know there is good and bad of whatever race, the main problem I think is clash of cultures not colours a clash we never had a say in, creating resentment.


Quite simply the word has been massively overused to score points,win arguments and get out of trouble and someone who has experienced real racism should be annoyed by this.

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Very interesting contributions.


There was a film called White men cant jump, if I made a film called black men cant count, or asian men cant drive, chinese men smell funny etc is that racist? Or in the context of entertainment should a title of a book or film contain such a statement?

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