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False Rape

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I agree, by those on both sides of the fence.


Agreed, which is a real shame. It undermines the real racism which should be challenged, much in the same way that the few women who make false rape charges ruin it for women generally.:(


ETA: the analogy in this post engendered a discussion about false rape claims on another thread and was therefore created into a 'splinter thread'. The above was never intended to be an OP.

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Agreed, which is a real shame. It undermines the real racism which should be challenged, much in the same way that the few women who make false rape charges ruin it for women generally.:(


My bold.

I think youll find the majority of rape accusations are false.

Over 50% from what i hear.

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My bold.

I think youll find the majority of rape accusations are false.

Over 50% from what i hear.


And I think you'll find that your statement is grossly offensive to everybody who has been raped and not been able to secure a conviction of their rapist. Just because a conviction is not gained, does not make the accusation false.


Can we have a decent reference for this 'over 50% of rape accusations are false' please?


Back it up or retract it.

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And I think you'll find that your statement is grossly offensive to everybody who has been raped and not been able to secure a conviction of their rapist. Just because a conviction is not gained, does not make the accusation false.


Can we have a decent reference for this 'over 50% of rape accusations are false' please?


Back it up or retract it.


Go bully someone else.

How DARE you take that tone with me.

Had your attitude not stank like a week old corpse i may have provided the actual link i read.

As it is, read this.


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My bold.

I think youll find the majority of rape accusations are false.

Over 50% from what i hear.


I do not want to derail this thread and take it off topic, however, I now regret having used that analogy. However, I am totally with Medusa on this. It is no wonder that the conviction rates are so low if this is the perception.

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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia





Statistics on rape and sexual assault are common in Western countries and are becoming more common throughout the world. Inconsistent definitions of rape, over-reporting, under-reporting and false reporting create controversial statistical disparities, and lead to accusations that many rape statistics are unreliable or misleading. According to USA Today reporter Kevin Johnson "no other major category of crime - not murder, assault or robbery - has generated a more serious challenge of the credibility of national crime statistics" than rape.

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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia





Statistics on rape and sexual assault are common in Western countries and are becoming more common throughout the world. Inconsistent definitions of rape, over-reporting, under-reporting and false reporting create controversial statistical disparities, and lead to accusations that many rape statistics are unreliable or misleading. According to USA Today reporter Kevin Johnson "no other major category of crime - not murder, assault or robbery - has generated a more serious challenge of the credibility of national crime statistics" than rape.

Well of course this is the case, as unless a woman is beaten black and blue and there are obvious signs of vaginal bruising and genital trauma it boils down to her word against the male's. With murder there is a body as evidence, assault - bodily harm, robbery - missing items/money etc. The fact that there is a such a high rate of attrition with sex crimes against women is indicative of prevailing attitudes towards women. Isn't it funny how the closet feminists who suddenly appear on any Islam thread foaming at the mouth about how in some Islamic states, a woman who is raped is required to produce 4 male witnesses are the very same who claim that the majority of reported rapes are bogus. I am surprised that they don't insist that we follow suit seeing as women are such liars and cannot be trusted.


Mods - sorry, have gone off topic.

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