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False Rape

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A woman with a realistic opinion seems to be a threat .....thanks for the support all you so called feminists, stop reading the daily mail and get a real job that offers you some sort of inclination into the real world and all that it offers....


I'm also very much not a Daily Mail reader.


I didn't mean my question to sound unsupportive. I was just surprised that anyone who works in such a sensitive area - regardless of what angle they're coming at it from - would use a phrase like 'the no-means-no brigade' on a public forum.


When I (rarely) respond to threads on here in a professional capacity, I make it quite clear that I teach at a university in Sheffield in an arts and humanities subject area. That's enough information to prove my credentials without compromising my anonymity or breaching student confidentiality.

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When we post "normally" we do not post as moderators. We also don't moderate threads we have posted in.


Further, it is for the person claiming something to disprove it - that is how debate works.


I didn't mean you were moderating, I was suggesting you should encourage debates and facts, not attacks.


Further, that is exactly my point. You can't just say 'prove it' and call that debate. You have to challange people, but don't expect them to do the work for you, it's lazy. Provide facts to prove them wrong and it makes good debate.

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You mean you want us all to have the same name?


Back on topic..I was looking forward to your reply at the question Jessica asked.


What are your credentials exactly? If it's not to much to ask.


Hi Jess and Ron, I work as a therapist for a major mental health agency, hope this helps with your research :)

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I'm also very much not a Daily Mail reader.


I didn't mean my question to sound unsupportive. I was just surprised that anyone who works in such a sensitive area - regardless of what angle they're coming at it from - would use a phrase like 'the no-means-no brigade' on a public forum.


When I (rarely) respond to threads on here in a professional capacity, I make it quite clear that I teach at a university in Sheffield in an arts and humanities subject area. That's enough information to prove my credentials without compromising my anonymity or breaching student confidentiality.


And yet you have over 3000 posts on a public forum, , i would hardly call that "rarely" posting, and as you say, you make it quite clear that you teach ....hardly a confidential profession .

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And yet you have over 3000 posts on a public forum, , i would hardly call that "rarely" posting, and as you say, you make it quite clear that you teach ....hardly a confidential profession .


I'm sorry, I was unclear. I meant I don't often post in a professional capacity, i.e. responding to something like a discussion on arts teaching in higher education.


My 3000 posts are over the last six years. It's just over 1 post a day.


And you may not consider teaching a 'confidential profession' but of course there are certain things I wouldn't discuss in public on here. Because I would consider that unprofessional.


This is all pretty much off-topic, though, since I'm not responding to this thread in a professional capacity but a personal one.

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Goodness me, I seem to have opened a can of worms this evening, i apologise,.


I will go back to my safe place, and continue to be there for people who choose to be less confrontational about their issues, and get help for them.

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Goodness me, I seem to have opened a can of worms this evening, i apologise,.


I will go back to my safe place, and continue to be there for people who choose to be less confrontational about their issues, and get help for them.


My only issue was expressing surprise that someone who works in the field would use a phrase like 'the no-means-no' brigade. I think it's an inappropriate phrase to use, because it implies a dismissal of the concept of no meaning no. Like when people use the phrase 'PC brigade' - it's used, without exception, by people who think political correctness is a bad thing.


Rape survivors - who might well read this thread, although they'd do well to avoid it given some of what's been posted - might also find it triggering.


I'd have expected a bit more sensitivity on the topic from someone who works in mental health, that's all.

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Jess I have sent you a PM...I am sorry but you don't know your arse from your elbow on this issue, and yes I am a Psychotherapist, who chooses free choice and free will ... Existentialism, look it up and then have a go at me about my opinions, you seem to want to challenge me on some level.

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Goodness me, I seem to have opened a can of worms this evening, i apologise,.


I will go back to my safe place, and continue to be there for people who choose to be less confrontational about their issues, and get help for them.


But as a professional you must also understand that there are also victims of rape as well as victims of false rape. You as a professional seem to be totally biased towards the false rape victim. It was pointed out to you by using such terminology as 'the no-means-no brigade' on a public forum seems to smack of unprofessional at the least.


Sorry fib but you seem to have lost your sense of balance as a therapist when applied to rape, in all it's manifestations. To fob off "no means no" as the war-cry of the "brigade" would imply you take your biased professionalism home with you and trot it out on a forum. Wasn't it baseman who used the same type of terminology on a similar thread "bog standard rape". That's how professional you looked.

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