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False Rape

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You're right. It's impossible to conclude that any of them are false with 100% accuracy, so realistically, it is wrong to conclude that any percentage of rape claims are false, whether you say that number is 0%, 50% or 100%. We will never get a true figure, only opinion and guesswork.


Which is more or less what I said in an earlier post. In the absence of a woman who has made an allegation making a confession that she lied, it is a matter of judgement and therefore, the figure quoted is highly subjective.


The figures that represent rape which are those reported, I am sure are the tip of the iceberg. Most women do not report rape for a multitude of reasons, one of which is that the default position of many is to instantly brand her a liar and a slut if she knew her attacker.:roll:

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I would welcome some sort of lie detector for witnesses in cases of rape...


Lie detectors aren't particularly accurate, especially when the person taking it is under stress, or distressed...


The lie detector is a good idea.


Lie detectors are not used in British courts for the simple reason that they do not detect lies. What they do do is detect physiological changes in the body in relation to the questioning. Unfortunately physiological response do not translate directly into proof of lying. Instead the tester subjectively interprets the results to determine the whether the subject is lying. This leads to the introduction of bias in the interpretation based upon the testers own prejudices and preconceptions.

John A. Larson, a pioneer of polygraphic lie detection stated,

The lie detector, as used in many places, is nothing more than a psychological third-degree aimed at extorting confessions as the old physical beatings were.




Glad I could clear that up.



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The number of women friends of mine who, over time, have confided in me that they had been raped at least once in their lives and did nothing about it (mostly because of the shame) is staggering.


I agree and said similar in an earlier post. Most women I know have been acquaintance raped at some point by a friend's boyfriend, a male friend, a boyfriend's friend, boyfriend's father/relative or someone known to them. It is as you say, truly staggering and depressing. Not one person I know has ever reported being raped.

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I don't often feel sympathy for professional footballers, but they appear to only have to hold hands with a female for an accusation of rape to be made. Other than for a favoured few, they don't appear to have the minders to keep them out of trouble.


As much as I agree with hard sentences for proven rapists, I would like to see similar for those who make false accusations of rape.

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You're right. It's impossible to conclude that any of them are false with 100% accuracy, so realistically, it is wrong to conclude that any percentage of rape claims are false, whether you say that number is 0%, 50% or 100%. We will never get a true figure, only opinion and guesswork.

Not at all it's entirely possible to conclude that a given proportion of rape allegations (or indeed any kind of allegations) are false, all you need to do so is positive evidence that they are false.


What you can't do is simply point to the high proportion of rape allegations which fail to result in convictions and claim that's evidence of false accusations. As clearly just because an accusation can't be sustained to the extremely high "beyond reasonable doubt" standard of proof that in no way means it's false.


Contrary to your backtracked position this is not an area completely lacking in evidence of "only opinion and guesswork" posters have cited several studies all of which have found that the levels of false reporting are a fraction of the 50% figure you've attempted to defend.

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Would be fun debates - person makes a claim then has to immediately disprove it, someone then disagrees with it and then immediately has to prove it :D


Peace and harmony would reign supreme, I tells ya.

A good point, but not even that novel!

I read that testing students of the great Talmudic sages of old could involve demanding that a student:

a. explain why such-and-such was definitely the law; then

b. explain the very opposite view.

The aim was to fine-tune the 'deductive reasoning' ability of the student concerned.

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Would be fun debates - person makes a claim then has to immediately disprove it, someone then disagrees with it and then immediately has to prove it :D


Peace and harmony would reign supreme, I tells ya.


Im not 100% sure it will work but im willing to give it a try:D

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Contrary to your backtracked position this is not an area completely lacking in evidence of "only opinion and guesswork" posters have cited several studies all of which have found that the levels of false reporting are a fraction of the 50% figure you've attempted to defend.


What backtracked position, son?

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