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False Rape

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Is it obligatory for extreme right wingers to be misogynists or is it just coincidence that most of the ones on here are?


I do not support the Ancien Regime so your right winger remark bites the dust.


I am not a misogynist and support life sentences if not death sentences for rape.


Perhaps you could let us know how we determine the veracity of a rape claim that leads to an acquittal at trial.


Your knowledge of Statistics, The Scientific Method and Criminal Law is probably on a par with your grasp of the French Revolution I therefore expect at best your usual one liner.

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without further evidence, one is left with the conclusion that the accusation was unprovable and quite possibly false.


The conviction rate is very low is it not? less than 50%?


It's a bit like the death penalty argument, it's no comfort to the exectuted person if something turns later up to prove their innocence, rape is similar that without actual unmstakeable proof you cannot convict, the major fact being that it is usualy one persons word against the other.

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You lose all credibility with posts like this.


I should be very careful when pointing the finger at credible posting. To be honest I'm not sure why you're on a rape related thread with your past "Bog standard rape" attitude.


It's a bit like the death penalty argument, it's no comfort to the exectuted person if something turns later up to prove their innocence, rape is similar that without actual unmstakeable proof you cannot convict, the major fact being that it is usualy one persons word against the other.


Yes, anything to add rather than repeat yourself?

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I should be very careful when pointing the finger at credible posting. To be honest I'm not sure why you're on a rape related thread with your past "Bog standard rape" attitude.




Yes, anything to add rather than repeat yourself?


If you've nothing to say on the topic do as you've done say nowt:loopy:

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I agree with stigma being applied to most crime but rape would seem unique. Most crime doesn't look to the victim as partly responsible from the outset, or at least suspicious. Do you think this is due to general ignorance of the crime or would you disagree?

Can you translate into English please?

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I agree with stigma being applied to most crime but rape would seem unique. Most crime doesn't look to the victim as partly responsible from the outset, or at least suspicious. Do you think this is due to general ignorance of the crime or would you disagree?

What a load of twaddle


I agree with stigma being applied to most crime but rape would seem unique. Most crime doesn't look to the victim as partly responsible from the outset, or at least suspicious. Do you think this is due to general ignorance of the crime or would you disagree?


So you're now saying only rape victims should sit on a rape trial jury.:loopy:

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So you're now saying only rape victims should sit on a rape trial jury.:loopy:


I defy you to show me or anyone else where I've even suggested that.


What I would suggest is you get back to your curtains. The neighbours are lonely.

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