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False Rape

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I think that you will find that also a large percentage of false rape claims come from the gay community, and yes I can back it up as I have worked very closely in the past with the the victims of false claims, both male and female.

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What's the motive for false rape claims? Revenge? Money? Discredit? All 3 and many other reasons, is my guess.


"I had one to many last night and now all my mates think I am a slag and boyfriend will kill me ……….. Rape rape rape. "


With that many Brits getting bladdered on holiday is there any wonder the Spanish police are reluctant to belief accusations of rape.

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What happened to innocent until proven guilty, you cant remove the stigma of a rape accusation, even if claims are withdrawn or proven to be false.


Mud sticks, This is another great motive for false rape accusations. Especially against former partners (in a child custody dispute) for example.

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Well of course this is the case, as unless a woman is beaten black and blue and there are obvious signs of vaginal bruising and genital trauma it boils down to her word against the male's. With murder there is a body as evidence, assault - bodily harm, robbery - missing items/money etc. The fact that there is a such a high rate of attrition with sex crimes against women is indicative of prevailing attitudes towards women. Isn't it funny how the closet feminists who suddenly appear on any Islam thread foaming at the mouth about how in some Islamic states, a woman who is raped is required to produce 4 male witnesses are the very same who claim that the majority of reported rapes are bogus. I am surprised that they don't insist that we follow suit seeing as women are such liars and cannot be trusted.


Mods - sorry, have gone off topic.


Re my bold. Surely you have already stated why there is a "high rate of attrition with sex crimes against women", in your first sentence - objective evidence is difficult to obtain, and it therefore can often come down to one person's word against another's. In order to convict, it is necessary to prove guilt beyond reasonable doubt. This is pretty much impossible without separate objective evidence. It is nothing to do with prevailing attitudes towards women. Women are not treated as if they are inferior, it is just that they are not treated as if they were superior. In terms of proof needed to convict, both men and women are treated the same.


If a man were to claim that a woman had committed a crime against him, say theft, but there was no other corroborating evidence, and it boiled down to him saying she did and her saying that she didn't, then do you think she would be convicted on his evidence alone?

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I think whatever there is going to be a percentage of women that do pull out the rape card just as a percentage of people will pull the race card.

This of course has a detrimental effect of the real victims and gives basis for doubt where there should be none.

Im sure of one thing, the number of cases that get found not guilty will have no comparison to the real figures of false claims of rape. Its sad that anyone even perceives that 50% of cases are false and we need a good look at the system that brings justice to these cases because anyone that truly goes through that ordeal only to have the case thrown out must really hit rock bottom and have no faith in humanity what so ever.


I would welcome some sort of lie detector for witnesses in cases of rape, and that isnot because we should not believe the victim but because to get it wrong is just too much of a risk and we need to use whatever technology to weed down the figures to reflect the real problem of rape. I wonder how many people would put their hand up to being guilty if they thought that there was a high probability that they would be found out in court ? Or even falsely accuse ?


People may look for ways to justify rape and try it on in law, saying they could have miss read the signals ect, but their body would not lie for them and if they knew that they had done it then the signs would be there for all to see.

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