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False Rape

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Lie detectors aren't particularly accurate, especially when the person taking it is under stress, or distressed.


For the sake of balance, I should also point out that there are radical feminists who believe there is no such thing as a false rape accusation. At all. Even when proved without a doubt.

Get everyone involved hooked on prozac before the trial :D


Its a tough one isnt it... Time for a re think then, your right about the lie detection, otherwise all crimes would rely on them :loopy:

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Although the trauma and pain on top of existing anguish for a rape victim who sees their attacker go free must be terrible to bear, crying rape falsely is not uncommon (I'm not into arguing over theoretical percentages because the nature of the problem is we will never know accurately).


The rape cry is little different in principle to a child crying wolf. There are unstable people male and female in our society and for some with deep issues, or bitter spite, or just a plain old drama queen, crying rape is a means to an end.


I'm not alone in taking most rape cases with a pinch of salt because I always suspect that the chances are it's a case of 'woman scorned'.

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Now find that statistic from a peer reviewed study, please.


Back it up or retract it.


I don't have an opinion on the facts put forward by this poster, but as moderators do you not think it would be better and less confrontational (and more in keeping with the traditions of debate) to present information that disproves the statements you don't agree with rather than just demanding proof?

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Lie detectors aren't particularly accurate, especially when the person taking it is under stress, or distressed.


For the sake of balance, I should also point out that there are radical feminists who believe there is no such thing as a false rape accusation. At all. Even when proved without a doubt.


I agree to an extent, you mean the "no means no brigade", I wish it was that simple I really do, would make my job a lot easier.


However, it's not about feminism, it's about respect.

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Isn't it funny how the closet feminists who suddenly appear on any Islam thread foaming at the mouth about how in some Islamic states, a woman who is raped is required to produce 4 male witnesses are the very same who claim that the majority of reported rapes are bogus. I am surprised that they don't insist that we follow suit seeing as women are such liars and cannot be trusted.


Mods - sorry, have gone off topic.


perhaps a little off topic, but hitting the nail firmly on the head nonetheless.

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