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False Rape

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As I said, they aren't very good - some studies have put it at 50% correct - ie chance. They showed that people can be better at telling lies than lie detector machines.


Strangely, law enforcement seems to love them.


Then that being the case the identity of the accused should be protected in the same way as the victim.

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We should have regulated prostitution. That way people would have somewhere for people to turn for sexual gratification.

Also it would wittle out any cases where rape could be brought against none payers of the service of which I am sure there will be some.

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I think youll find the majority of rape accusations are false.

Over 50% from what i hear.


I think you'll find if you look at actual statistics rather than "facts" from a pressure group you'll find that around 8% of rape claims are unfounded (FBI stats), which is not the same as false, and about 2% are false.

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Well of course this is the case, as unless a woman is beaten black and blue and there are obvious signs of vaginal bruising and genital trauma it boils down to her word against the male's. With murder there is a body as evidence, assault - bodily harm, robbery - missing items/money etc. The fact that there is a such a high rate of attrition with sex crimes against women is indicative of prevailing attitudes towards women. Isn't it funny how the closet feminists who suddenly appear on any Islam thread foaming at the mouth about how in some Islamic states, a woman who is raped is required to produce 4 male witnesses are the very same who claim that the majority of reported rapes are bogus. I am surprised that they don't insist that we follow suit seeing as women are such liars and cannot be trusted.


Mods - sorry, have gone off topic.


What?? We are talking about this system in the uk, not some Islamic hell hole, where women are treated as they are.

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Um no, no does mean no.


There are radical feminists who believe that there is no such thing as a false rape accusation. Will find some links later, I'm half busy atm.


No DOES NOT ALWAYS mean no, although it should do in a perfect world... I totally disagree, anyone can say no and not mean it, then prosecute the "offender", and plead "I said no"

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I think that you will find that also a large percentage of false rape claims come from the gay community, and yes I can back it up as I have worked very closely in the past with the the victims of false claims, both male and female.


How large a percentage, considering gay people make up such a small percentage of the total population ?

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How large a percentage, considering gay people make up such a small percentage of the total population ?


I can only back this up with my experience of working with the gay community, all I can say is that I have worked with gay men who were the VICTIM of false rape more than I have women. I cannot give you concrete statistics without breach of confidentiality .

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