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False Rape

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No DOES NOT ALWAYS mean no, although it should do in a perfect world... I totally disagree, anyone can say no and not mean it, then prosecute the "offender", and plead "I said no"


Eh, so someone would say no whilst really wanting it only so they could cry rape?


That sounds silly.


Also, my mum always told me no means no. Whether the above was true or not no would and should still mean no to the other party surely?

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I can only back this up with my experience of working with the gay community, all I can say is that I have worked with gay men who were the VICTIM of false rape more than I have women. I cannot give you concrete statistics without breach of confidentiality .


If the VICTIM of false rape the person being accused, then I'd expect more men (gay or otherwise) than women, I'm sure it's a minute number of women who get accused of raping a guy, but I don't believe more men (gay or otherwise) claim to have been raped than women.

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Eh, so someone would say no whilst really wanting it only so they could cry rape?


That sounds silly.


Also, my mum always told me no means no. Whether the above was true or not no would and should still mean no to the other party surely?


Maybe to you Tony, as you have respect, but not all men think like you

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It seems to me that if a woman gets herself into a position where rape could take place then there is automatic doubt.

Someone who likes flirting does not necessarily have to like <REMOVED>.


Agreed I flirt and banter with lots of women I wouldn't dream of making sweet love to (Trying to keep it family friendly).


The other weird thing is that I was once with a woman who enjoyed role play where rape is simulated. Felt a bit weird at first but we had safe words, ours was Playstation.

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Well of course this is the case, as unless a woman is beaten black and blue and there are obvious signs of vaginal bruising and genital trauma it boils down to her word against the male's. With murder there is a body as evidence, assault - bodily harm, robbery - missing items/money etc. The fact that there is a such a high rate of attrition with sex crimes against women is indicative of prevailing attitudes towards women. Isn't it funny how the closet feminists who suddenly appear on any Islam thread foaming at the mouth about how in some Islamic states, a woman who is raped is required to produce 4 male witnesses are the very same who claim that the majority of reported rapes are bogus. I am surprised that they don't insist that we follow suit seeing as women are such liars and cannot be trusted.


Mods - sorry, have gone off topic.



And at the same time on the Burkha threads demand that it should be banned, while championing the cause that western women are as equally guilty as the rapist by not conforming to a particular dress code.


Also interesting on these type threads is the sudden appearance of new user names.

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It seems to me that if a woman gets herself into a position where rape could take place then there is automatic doubt.

Someone who likes flirting does not necessarily have to like ****ing.


Kimba, not at all, sometimes flirting leads to rape.........and once again I ask, could you tell the difference if you were in that situation ??

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Here's some proper government-backed research on rape statistics, for anyone who's interested.


A Gap or a Chasm? Attrition in reported rape cases (2005).


Some key points:


Nine per cent of reported cases were designated false, with a high proportion of these involving 16- to 25-year-olds. However, closer analysis of this category

applying Home Office counting rules reduces this to three per cent. Even the

higher figure is considerably lower than the extent of false reporting estimated by

police officers interviewed in this study

(p. xi)


There is an over-estimation of the scale of false allegations by both police officers and prosecutors which feeds into a culture of scepticism, leading to poor

communication and loss of confidence between complainants and the police.


There is some evidence of poor investigation and understanding of the law, and in some cases, there has been an emphasis on discrediting features only, by the

police and CPS.

(p. xii)


More recently (2010) the Stern Review reported on the way in which rape is handled by public authorities. The report expressed concern over the use of statistics by the government and the media in terms of the overall conviction rate, which has been discussed on here before.


The Stern Review recommended a review of false rape allegations compared to other offences:


[because of the] controversy surrounding false allegations, the strong feelings the subject arouses and the part the controversy plays in the response to rape complainants, we recommend that the Ministry of Justice commissions and publishes an independent research report to study the frequency of false allegations of rape compared with other offences and the nature of such allegations.


Source: the government response to the Stern Review.


The government has commissioned research into this which is due to report in the second half of this year.


It's worth reading those reports. One of the main things that comes out of both the 2003 study and the response to the Stern Review is the fact that, while the statistics may be murky still, the overall way that rape victims are treated by the public authorities can and should continue to improve. One of the major problems with prosecuting rape is the prevalence of rape myths (that only stranger rape or very violent rape including beatings, etc, is *real* rape, for example - that's been discussed on here before too.)


Anyone casually claiming that 'the majority' of rape allegations are false is clearly on a (spectacularly offensive) wind up.

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If the VICTIM of false rape the person being accused, then I'd expect more men (gay or otherwise) than women, I'm sure it's a minute number of women who get accused of raping a guy, but I don't believe more men (gay or otherwise) claim to have been raped than women.


Bulgarian, I did say that this was only in my experience and database :)

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