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They're back!! (and I'm leaving)

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Spiders are good for your carpets ya puff lol


Ok, ok I'm half man, half jelly baby where spiders are concerned, but the carpets are all gone now after I poured petrol on them-then a lighted match..and I've no eyebrows left either.

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Yes, after nearly a year of living in relative peace the little black ******** are back!


No, I refer not to my children-these uninvited guests have eight legs and eight eyes and I swear everyone one of them is trained on me at this moment.


Picture the scene my friends, here I am resplendent in smoking jacket and leather slip ons, perched upon the dining room table, laptop in one hand, coat tails (and my dignity) in the other, trembling like a fairy on top of a Xmas tree and contemplating making a bolt for it and leaving my beloved home to the ownership of....arachnids!! :cry::cry::cry:


norks where are you when I need your brazenness? shinyhappy....are you there? Dont s'pose Phanerothyme will want to come to the aid of this particular damzel in distress? :hihi:


Im here mate :wave: Be strong :) We been ok still with our device, but this year we have a new addition, our dog Flika and he eats what few manage to roam the house. Have you got a dog you could train to assassinate the arachnids?? Failing that hasnt Melthebel got spare NBC suit??? xxx

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I am with you on this, the little horrors are disgusting and I am terrified of them, I won't enter a room if I can see one.


The best thing I have found is "No More Spiders" it is in one of those spray bottles (like flash ect), it contains Horsechestnuts and Cloves both which repel spiders, They hate horse chestnuts (conkers) so if you put a line of these on you window ledge it is supposed to work too, but the spray is less of an eyesore and it does work.


Thank you curriechick, at least someone here with concern for her fellow man. I hope the rest of them wake up in a pit of snakes :hihi:

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I am with you on this, the little horrors are disgusting and I am terrified of them, I won't enter a room if I can see one.


The best thing I have found is "No More Spiders" it is in one of those spray bottles (like flash ect), it contains Horsechestnuts and Cloves both which repel spiders, They hate horse chestnuts (conkers) so if you put a line of these on you window ledge it is supposed to work too, but the spray is less of an eyesore and it does work.


It does work and used this before we invested in our spider deterant device x

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