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They're back!! (and I'm leaving)

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tbh i dont mind spiders, i will pick em up, unless theyre too big, look like they have a nasty face, or try running up your arm at 700 miles an hour


I once tried therapy for it, started with acclimatisation-the stalks off tomatoes, I'm now scared of the stalks off tomatoes..doh! :hihi:

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Bagsy not coming round to get rid. I'm only a lady. A miniscule one at that. I'd be no good. No.. None at all. *phew*


There's a box of your favourite confectionery (whose name I dare not speak) waiting for you if you bail me out :hihi:

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Yes, after nearly a year of living in relative peace the little black ******** are back!


No, I refer not to my children-these uninvited guests have eight legs and eight eyes and I swear everyone one of them is trained on me at this moment.


Picture the scene my friends, here I am resplendent in smoking jacket and leather slip ons, perched upon the dining room table, laptop in one hand, coat tails (and my dignity) in the other, trembling like a fairy on top of a Xmas tree and contemplating making a bolt for it and leaving my beloved home to the ownership of....arachnids!! :cry::cry::cry:


norks where are you when I need your brazenness? shinyhappy....are you there? Dont s'pose Phanerothyme will want to come to the aid of this particular damzel in distress? :hihi:


Get a cat - they will snaffle all your spiders like mobile spaghetti!

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