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They're back!! (and I'm leaving)

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They're harvest spiders, they'll be gone by October:thumbsup:


Ah These 'little' monkeys - we used to get loads of them in our last Victorian era house, hardly any that we see in our present 1930s abode.


The little buggers avoid all attempts at capture by legging it to the skirting boards or edges of settees, and we did notice that they were 'seasonal' - someone told us they come out to mate at this time of year?


Nice to finally have a name for them (Harvest Spiders I mean, not Eric or Trevor) :D

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Ah These 'little' monkeys - we used to get loads of them in our last Victorian era house, hardly any that we see in our present 1930s abode.


The little buggers avoid all attempts at capture by legging it to the skirting boards or edges of settees, and we did notice that they were 'seasonal' - someone told us they come out to mate at this time of year?


Nice to finally have a name for them (Harvest Spiders I mean, not Eric or Trevor) :D


There seems to be some confusion over the spider in your picture and the common "Harvestman", which is not actually a spider:



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On holiday in France a few years ago, I went to the doctor with an enormous itchy orange blister on my ankle. The doctor gravely informed me that I'd been bitten by a spider and that he would have to "ouvrir" the blister to let any eggs out. I swear this is absolutely true. I knew which spiders were to blame as they'd been in the bathroom for a couple of days. Huge things with hairy legs. But I hate killing anything.

When we got back to the house, one spider was looking sorry for itself in the bathroom, whilst the other was floating lifeless in the pool. Remorse, obviously.


Hope this helps.

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Yes, after nearly a year of living in relative peace the little black ******** are back!


No, I refer not to my children-these uninvited guests have eight legs and eight eyes and I swear everyone one of them is trained on me at this moment.


Picture the scene my friends, here I am resplendent in smoking jacket and leather slip ons, perched upon the dining room table, laptop in one hand, coat tails (and my dignity) in the other, trembling like a fairy on top of a Xmas tree and contemplating making a bolt for it and leaving my beloved home to the ownership of....arachnids!! :cry::cry::cry:


norks where are you when I need your brazenness? shinyhappy....are you there? Dont s'pose Phanerothyme will want to come to the aid of this particular damzel in distress? :hihi:


Can you imagine how those poor little buggers feel sharing their newly found home with a raving lunatic who has a liking for dressing up?


I'm minded to forward your post to the RSPCA. :hihi::hihi::hihi:

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