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12 years for an Internet post

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Read some bits of that site and it seems mostly hateful jibberish. (We dont need traffic light because allah tells us not to hurt ourselves and each other :loopy:)

I am appalled that it keeps saying that Britain and its people are corrupt. Perhaps if Anonymous were about they could work their magic.

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12 years is harsh for inciting murder.


But this guy criticised the government. He got off lightly.


I wouldn't have thought so - inchoate crimes always tend to attract sentences at around the same level as the crime they incite otherwise it's just tempting people to go round soliciting for murder, etc..


Criticising the Government is not a problem though. It's embarrassing it that you want to be really careful of doing ;)

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On a more serious note, the thought police are growing in numbers, and free speech is like original opinions, now regarded as potentially threatening.


Muslims are in the frame, they are the new threat, the new terror, demons, the great evil, which makes a change from the Irish, who when all said and done, treated the country as a training ground for the demolition squad for a decade or two.


So having threats, Irish, Muslims, Communism as fads change over time, and prejudices need feeding. Such ploys, focusing the attention of the plebs on easily identifiable targets, allows frustrations such as low pay, inflation, poor prospects, higher bills and the other created life swindles to be used, to control potential mass unrest, at the generally unfair climate we are forced to accept as normal.


If I go door to door taking money for a product that does not exist, on the promise their investment will increase, when it was devised to feather just my nest, when caught I would loose all my money, as the law required, and be goaled. When Institutions, banks perform mass swindles and gain a billion or two, then get caught, they not just get away with it, but recently complain that paying back the swindled, through the fraud has lessened their profits and bonuses.


So the search and vilification of individuals through the creation of suitable and easily identifiable targets, through simplistic reinterpretations is what propaganda is all about. Western interests, created terrorism, armed and financed the people concerned, then invaded the country, murdering the inhabitants left right and centre. We create spurious excuses to inform the plebs at home, while we grab what we want for the corporate interests we are all apparently beholdant to.


So next time someone is found to be a terrorist, and we see them as part of a mass of terrorism, maybe one should stop, work out how the situation was shaped to fit a psychological requirement, fuelled by the compliant media, to shape public opinion in the first place.


Facts such as the plague of male domestic violence, how we murder 35 thousand or so old people through neglect in cold snaps, the mass of acceptable road deaths, how the pharmaceutical industry kills thousands a year all for profit, the billions in fraud practiced by banks, highlighted in the recent PPI swindle, seem more acceptable and get less media exposure than someone who wrote something that apparently promoted race hatred. Ever wondered if even the way you think, has not been artificially shaped and you are the sorry sods that are treated as morons by corporate interests? Of course not! But you need to be shown who to victimize, and make sure it is not the real criminals, as that would never do. Do you meet such people in daily life??? NO! So prejudices are fed and encouraged to stimulate you then?


No wonder the general population is treated as idiots, sacked in thousands, told they are scroungers when offered £65 week to survive on, wages frozen, jobs unavailable, prices rising, and such, while those of the bonus culture get higher prizes, as well as higher wages, and the biggest joke of all, is that the general public pay for it all....brilliant!


Propaganda really works, and it shows too, so thanks for falling for the scams. He got 12 years, serve 6, while you are hooked for a lifetime........................

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He will have to serve 6yrs, all determinate sentences have a halfway release point and the parole board have no say on when he is released.

All prisoners with a sentence over 4 years have to apply for parole and release on licence

Determinate sentence or fixed term prisoners


The rules on release for determinate sentence prisoners changed on 1 October 1993. For information relating to sentences passed before that date, you should contact your local Citizens Advice Bureau. To search for details of your nearest CAB, including those that can give advice by email, click on (New window) nearest CAB.


For sentences passed on or after 1 October 1993, prisoners serving a sentence of less than four years are released automatically and unconditionally after serving half their sentence in custody. There are different conditions for sex offenders serving short sentences.


Prisoners serving a sentence of less than four years may be released on home detention curfew up to four months early. Prisoners released on home detention curfew will need to meet certain conditions, which will be monitored by an electronic tag. Prisoners on home detention curfew will continue to serve their sentence during the home detention curfew and could be recalled to prison if they don't meet the conditions. A prisoner can be released on home detention curfew to an address in England, Wales or Scotland.


Prisoners serving a sentence of four years or more are considered by the parole board for parole after serving half their sentence. If the parole board grants parole, the prisoner will be released on licence. If parole is not granted at this point, they are automatically released on licence after serving two thirds of their sentence. In some cases there may be a further parole hearing. Prisoners remains on licence and can be recalled to custody at any point until the expiry of their sentence.

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