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A cold drink on an East Midlands train, too much to ask for ?

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Last time I was on a train leaving Manchester to Sheffield, I couldn't believe how many people ate, dranks & snacked the whole time,, you'de think it was going to be their last meal, :hihi: God it's only a few hours ride up to Sheffield, couldn't they wait, it seemed like it was automatic to pull out or buy food even for such a short train ride. :huh:

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Sorry for showing my age ………. What would you call it? ……………….. that carrage that as a long queue of people waiting for a coffee.


Oh I see what you mean ………… east midlands have scrapped them …………….. perhaps that’s why I travel from Doncaster whenever possible.


Indeed, I don't think there are any trains running from Sheffield that have them now. Virgin still have them, which means Manchester or Doncaster to London trains, but from Sheffield it's an at seat service in both 1st and standard.

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chill out. god sake.


i reguarly drink coke from the cupboard as it doesnt always fit in the fridge. you might also note that supermarkets and shops dont always sell soft drinks from the fridge either.


you dont get cold coke on flights either... so what.


ps: first class you get free tea, coffee, water, wine and some sort of snack. just because you sit at the front end does not mean the train can magic you a trolley with a fridge.


get over yourself


It`s nice to hear from someone unique.

I don`t know anyone else who is quite happy to have a lukewarm lager.

It`s got nothing to do with First Class. Standard class passengers shouldn`t be served warm Coke either.

The First Class trolley thing is a slightly different problem in that there`s no availability of soft drinks (or beers) at all, warm or not. Actually there is, but only when the trolley finally gets all the way from the back of the standard class. Not that I`m suggesting it should jump straight to First Class at their expense. I`m suggesting that EMT should serve drinks from the galley, and, in fact, from the fridge in the galley, like all their staff would when they`re at home.....

And anyway you`re wrong about planes, the drinks on planes are usually cold, even, incorrectly, the red wine. Whether this is deliberate, or because the storage bays aren`t heated much (it`s 40degrees under outside.....), I know not.

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Why not go to the buffet carriage and get your own ……………. Sorry I forgot you were in first class and expect waiting on hand and foot.


I have travelled first class and lost my seat because a train had been cancelled and on another occasion there wasn’t even a curled up sandwich left let alone a cold drink on the return leg ……… did I throw a wobble ………. did I complain via email …………… did I :rant: on a forum. No. Stiff upper lip and all that.


If nobody ever complains nothing ever gets done, so it`s your fault I get warm Cokes ! ? !


Everybody should complain when they either get bad service or even if they see how a company could provide a better service.

I`m more than happy for my customers to do either.

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The complimentary cold drinks in First Class (mineral water and fruit juice) are chilled as they are kept in the fridge in the first class galley, other cold drinks are sold from the trolley operated by Rail Gourmet which will have been chilled before being loaded onto the trolley, however they will have been on the trolley since being loaded on at their base on the station.

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The complimentary cold drinks in First Class (mineral water and fruit juice) are chilled as they are kept in the fridge in the first class galley, other cold drinks are sold from the trolley operated by Rail Gourmet which will have been chilled before being loaded onto the trolley, however they will have been on the trolley since being loaded on at their base on the station.


That`s to say, room temperature, more or less.

If I ordered a lager in a pub and it was as warm as those served on the average British train, I`d send it back.

And so would most people.

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