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Political Correctness

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Job advertisements, school books, ethics in the workplace, the BBC, posting on internet forums etc...... are all subject to 'political correctness' :thumbsup:


Find out who is responsible for what and pass their names to their employers.


It might make deciding who should be made redundant easier.:hihi:

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I'm all for political correctness!

Instead of saying to my girlfriend (personpal) ... 'Hey bitch ... iron my shirt!', I now say 'fellow member of humankind ... iron my bloody shirt!' ... goes down well and solves a lot of problems! (apart from those tough stains round the collar) :mad:

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I I'd be interested to hear what other posters think Political Correctness actually is?



I've always considered political correctness to be a "phrasing something in such a way that won't offend people"


For instance the phrases:

"vertically challenged" for lanky people :)

or "horizontally challenged" for more plump people like myself

"plump" also being a little "politically correct".

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I remember reading about a job advertisement for bus drivers. To make it politically correct it stated that the details were also be available in brail and on tape!




What's the problem?


I can't see anything wrong with that and I haven't heard too many people complaining about it, either. :hihi::hihi:


Are you suggesting that bus drivers should be able to see and hear?




They never listen to their passengers and they don't look before they pull out.

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I admit sometimes it can go to ridiculous lengths (like a certain people apparently offended at 'Christmas' etc..).


In fact, it turned out none of those had any gripe with Santa except for the ignoramuses (who thought another group might take offense); speaking on others' behalf is not a good idea at times.


Within limits of course.


Absolutely. I would go further and say speaking on others behalf is never a good idea.

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I've always considered political correctness to be a "phrasing something in such a way that won't offend people"


For instance the phrases:

"vertically challenged" for lanky people :)

or "horizontally challenged" for more plump people like myself

"plump" also being a little "politically correct".


You've identified one of the problems of 'politically-correct' language.


It's not readily understood!


You think 'vertically challenged' applies to tall people ... most people (including me) thing 'vertically challenged' applies to those with Ducks' disease* (PORGS)


I'm not so much upset by 'political correctness' as I am by the people who seem to think that they have some sort of God-given right to enforce their version.


My wife's car has a disability sticker. We were in Sheffield earlier this year and I was driving the car. (She can't walk very far and has respiratory problems. - I can walk 30 or more miles a day and I have no problems whatever in either breathing or expressing myself volubly. :hihi:)


She wasn't in the car. I parked it (I didn't use a disabled space - I don't need one.)


But there's always somebody!


And he said: "You're not disabled! Why has your car got a disabled sticker?"


"I am disabled", said I.


"What's your disability then?" said he.


"I'm a F@&^%(* Touretter. And I'm deaf. Now B*&&^^@R off, get your F@&^%(* arse out of here and if I see you again I will report you for discriminating against the F@&^%(* disabled, you total Anchor!"


I was being 'politically correct.' On both counts.


I had advised the gentleman that it is unlawful to discriminate against the disabled (the 'correct' bit) and I had lied (the political bit.)


I'm a model of 'political correctness'


(When I want to be)





* Ducks' disease: - When your legs are so short that you bang your arse on the kerb when you step off it.

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