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Are people less tolerant of noise/kids playing than they were in 1980s?

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We often see that 101 of often needed to be rang these days for kids playing, bbqs, music and perhaps motorbikes that kids play on these days.


In the 1980's kids spent there summer holidays outdoors playing, making noise and yet people appeared to accept noise far more than they do now.


Would the 101 team have been rang constantly in the 1980s when kids played football on the street, or are the complaints more a sign that our communitys are breaking down, that we no longer have friendships with our neighbours and that we are spending less time getting to know our neighbours and instead making 100's of friends on facebook - people whom we will never ever meet in our lives.


1000 friends on facebook, but less than 5 friends in real life ?


I've cited the fact that people are more insular for the rise in noise complaints, socialise less and as such are more intolerant.


Would the 101 team have been rushed off there feet back in 1980s britian ?

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I think that in the 80's people had more respect for their neighbours, music was only late evening / early morning if there was a party or celebration, to which the neighbours would have probably been invited.


Also in 80's , I had a party and at midnight the police came and said to turn the music down, which I did. Nowadays the police wouldn't even turn up at someones house as they would have a mountain of reports to fill in.


police's hands are tied in many ways , so in answer to would the 101 been called I doubt it.


People today, especially younger ones, think they can do anything without any thought for anyone else, because they know that the can more than likely get away with it.


Respect for others is what people had in the years upto 1990's then with the PC brigade it all went pear shaped.

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No I don't think they are, its just that now parenting isn't as strict as it use to be, I never allowed my children to just scream an scream an scream, or use foul words, parents entertained thier own children, instead of just being left to play on game console's or outside as it is now on trampolines.


Agree totaly with DumDom post.

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It's a difficult one this, times and attitudes have changed, I grew up as teenager in the 70s. Even as a youngster me and my brothers played in the streets and the parks (there was much less road traffic back then). We spent our pre teen years with friends who also 'played out', as we used to call it, we carried pen knives, climbed trees and got into scrapes all in the name of 'mischief' at worst. Spent summer holidays out of the house, went to bed mucky and went back out the next day mucky, played football and cricket, kick the can, out till dark.... gangs of kids getting into little worse than a stone or fist fight with other local kids.

We are less tolerant today, kids 'play out' less than we used to, and many parents are paranoid about their kids being out, and are happy to let them spend unhealthy amounts of time on gaming consoles and computers, but the fist fights of yesteryear have been replaced by occasional knife and gun crime, and drug and alcohol use seems to be more common in teens. Some of the loss in tolerance is down to the media hype surrounding youngsters and the paranoia of some parents believing much of it.

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Last year we had a lot of problems with teenage boys and girls riding off road motor cycles and those mini motor cycles on the pavement. I saw the police go to the offender house several times often in one day.


At one point a young child was hit leaving his house with his mum, he would have been 6 or 7 and walked down his path ahead while his mum locked the door, the cyclist didn't see him above the hedge being a small boy and of course the inevitable happened. Luckily the child was only badly bruised and shaken but it could have been much worse.


These are the type of things that should be reported not children playing and letting off steam as this is what childrend should do, they should be enjoying childhood and using some of the natural energy they have.


I must add we have not had the same problem this year as yet, I think maybe the offenders have natrually grown out of that behaviour.

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