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Are people less tolerant of noise/kids playing than they were in 1980s?

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I don`t think we`re less tolerant of noise than we were in the 80s, I just think there`s a lot more noise about.....

Unfortunately these days more and more people can`t do without noise. They often call it music, but to someone who doesn`t want to listen to it, it`s noise.

Whether it`s the ignorant neighbour (ignorant as in they don`t give a t*** whether they`re annoying other people) playing music on their HiFi, and generally with the windows open in the summer......

Or the ignorant traveller (ignorant as in they don`t realise it`s annoying other people) with their I pods tinny noise annoying you.

You can`t get away from noise these days, and it`s soooooo annoying.

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I love the sounds of kids playing, the smell of barbeques etc It is all part of summer.

What I get is kids screaming...not because there is anything wrong...just screaming, constant banging on the door when they have yet again kicked the ball into my garden, adult conversations held at maximum volume and peppered liberally with expletives and music played so loud that I can hear it even if I close all the windows.


that is correct, one of our considerate nieghbours have very kindly biult themselves a smoking shed at the bottom of thier garden, shouting swearing at kids, smoking dope all hours, kids screaming constantly, disgusting:mad:

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Well I have made complaints about kids but I can assure you they weren't playing, it was for vandalism, theft and property damage. Thankfully the kids where I live now are fine and noise from just playing doesn't bother me at all. Although we did once have to have a word with a parent as the kids were playing with one of those high powered laser pen things which wasn't very safe for them or others (also they were shining it into our house and our dog was going ballistic).


Oh and I remember getting a telling off from a copper for riding on the pavement about 15 years ago so that's not exactly a new thing.

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Can anyone remember those vans the council used to put in the park providing kids with sports equipment?


I would love to see the reaction today if a van full of worn out sports gear turned up in the local park.,. :hihi:


Yes I remember those, in Firth Park in Sheffield. They used to bring stilts, hoola hoops, footballs, cricket and rounders equipment and there would always be a huge rounders match at the end of the day with about 20 people on each team.


We used to go down most days during the school holidays.

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