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Oblivious pedestrians on mobile phones!

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I saw a women the other day sauntering along talking on her mobile, her little lad about six feet behind.


She was so engrossed in her conversation she crossed a road junction without stopping to look and nearly got run over - the lad came a bit close too because he wasn't of an age to be very responsible at crossing roads so was just following mum.


All this went totally unobserved by the women, who carried on her conversation blissfully unaware.


The thing is, this might have been the worst case I've seen, but it seems all too common to see people using their mobiles and becoming oblivious to all around them - I was walking to the pub a few nights ago and there was someone walking towards me texting, being mardy I didn't alter my course, when we got about three feet apart he sensed collision, looked up briefly, and swerved whilst managing to carry on texting :D


Has anyone seen anyone come a cropper whilst on their mobile?

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Texting and walking are the most dangerous. It's now an offence in some states in the US. Now someone's come up with an app that uses the phone's camera to show you where you're going on the screen while you're texting!

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