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Prison is too easy and isn't working

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Prisons are more like holiday camps if you ask me tvs and dvds chocolate, crisps and playing pool it is any wonder that the majority of them repeat offend they are better off in there than on the outside. I am sorry but give them bread and water they are not in there to relax and have down time they are in there to reflect on what they have done and be punished for their crimes, there is too much emphasise on the prisoners needs what about the victims needs?? I am a victim of crime and I believe that they gave up their right to have anything when they decided to break the law.


Emma. x :love::thumbsup:



All the prisons should change their names to HMP Butlins, HMP Haven & HMP Pontins.

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i think the current prison system is far too easy for the criminals it houses. they can eat hot meals, get a hot shower and even have luxuries, all for being a criminal! it should be bread, rice and water for the lazy, a cold shower once a week and total lock down. the ones that earn their keep can work, and i mean WORK HARD for the luxury of having a hot meal/ hot shower, just like the rest of society does. they then should choose to work even harder (just like me and you) to have the luxury of a TV or radio. make prison a horrible horrible place rather than the hotel it is now. you dont work , you dont eat. Simple really. earn your keep. make it a place you really dont want to be as well as the same time the prisoners would be contributing through hard work to the cost of housing them cutting £££££ off the bill that the tax payers pay.


I'm guessing you've never done time.


anyway, besides what other posters have said, just look at other prison elsewhere where they still have 'hard labor' etc. it's just doesn't work in the way you'd think.

back home they lock you up and if your family don't bring you food you eat a slice of stale bread once a day. yet some people still use that as a revolving door. it just makes them worse.


besides, prisons here, except the open prisons MPs go to, aren't the walk in the park you'd think from the media.

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Yes I agree with you, abroad they have hard labour, terrible living conditions no sanitisation, little food rations and little or no medical care. I read a book about a woman who got caught in Thailand a few years ago trying to smuggle drugs she got sent to the famous Bangkok Hilton. Reading that book was an eye opener and you realise how lucky prisoners in this country are, most of the prisoners at that prison died of malnutrition or serious illness. No I have not done time he he he that would be amusing I bet the 8 o clock lock ups and not being able to see family when you want must be really hard.


Emma. x :love::thumbsup:

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hi my brother in and out of prison all the time. and he will the first to say prison is easy. in jail is meals are there evey day he gets paid work what he can spend in the prison or save for when he gets out. he gets the use of the gym. he gets all medical problims sorted out with out no waitin list. they give him help to get jobs on relise.

i love him but he will never work he robs he will make 100pound a day when hes out how can he ever work for 200pound a week its not goin to happen. he will be the first to say why im goin to work when i can make 200 in a day and if i get caught ill go back to my free meals gym etc donet get me wrong he says in is cell at night when doors are shut he missis people but soon forgot by mornin when with is mates. jail is to soft.

if you was lockt up 23hrs day meals in cell 1hour excise no money to spend or safe. they would not return fact. if you burnt your finger in a fire you would not put your finger back near the fire would you. same with prison make the time hard horrible and you would not want to go back. sorry for spellin.

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@S60WLS That is terrible and so sad that he has chosen that path in life, he will never have a normal life I agree with you they are too soft on prisoners. I have been a victim of crime and I bet he is treating Prison like a holiday camp also and not remorseful for what he did, I bet the second he is out he will be back to committing crime again.


It angers me that they don`t change the Prison system and the laws and that Judges not harsher on prisoners in Court it might make them think twice about re offending, I was just saying to my partner last night that 99% of them re offend as they have nobody on the outside and end up in a grotty Hostel or just cannot go straight. The sad thing is the other prisoners are like their family and when they are released they are lost, like you said your brother has his mates inside.


It is like they are inside a bubble whilst in Prison that is their safety net if you like. The sad thing is also we have no choice but to pay their legal aid when they are finally caught and decide to re offend again and again otherwise they cannot be convicted, I cannot get any compensation for what happened to me and I have not even a caution and was refused legal aid it is absolutely disgusting changes need to be made and quick. x x :love::thumbsup:


Its alright don`t worry about spelling and grammar good username good to see another Wednesday supporter in Sheffield.

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@S60WLS That is terrible and so sad that he has chosen that path in life, he will never have a normal life I agree with you they are too soft on prisoners. I have been a victim of crime and I bet he is treating Prison like a holiday camp also and not remorseful for what he did, I bet the second he is out he will be back to committing crime again.


It angers me that they don`t change the Prison system and the laws and that Judges not harsher on prisoners in Court it might make them think twice about re offending, I was just saying to my partner last night that 99% of them re offend as they have nobody on the outside and end up in a grotty Hostel or just cannot go straight. The sad thing is the other prisoners are like their family and when they are released they are lost, like you said your brother has his mates inside.


It is like they are inside a bubble whilst in Prison that is their safety net if you like. The sad thing is also we have no choice but to pay their legal aid when they are finally caught and decide to re offend again and again otherwise they cannot be convicted, I cannot get any compensation for what happened to me and I have not even a caution and was refused legal aid it is absolutely disgusting changes need to be made and quick. x x :love::thumbsup:


Its alright don`t worry about spelling and grammar good username good to see another Wednesday supporter in Sheffield.

as i said i love him as a brother. but hate the things he do's he as made my mum and dad ill. but he will never change he is 30 years old is first jail time was when he was 17 so thats most of is life in and out of jail so how can people say its easy in prison its not. when i go to see him in the visit room most of the prisoners are well built clean well dressed not care in the world. im sorry to hear about your case. im 31 years old left school early worked all my life ive got three kids i carnt afford to go back to learnin my spellin as let me down in life yet in prison they get taught all this for free its wrong if you have done a crime you should be punished not givein all the help in the world. help our boys who are in the army when they end up homless help the young one who drop out of school early. but donet waste money to prisoners who are in and out the ones like my brother will never learn jail is nothing to them. like you said they feel belong. ive never had a chance in my life but never been done by the police i work hard. people say people in prison have not had chances in life the truth is we can be noamal but if you choose the wrong path and are not punished for it you will carry on. and yes love 100% owls lol xx
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i think the current prison system is far too easy for the criminals it houses. they can eat hot meals, get a hot shower and even have luxuries, all for being a criminal! it should be bread, rice and water for the lazy, a cold shower once a week and total lock down. the ones that earn their keep can work, and i mean WORK HARD for the luxury of having a hot meal/ hot shower, just like the rest of society does. they then should choose to work even harder (just like me and you) to have the luxury of a TV or radio. make prison a horrible horrible place rather than the hotel it is now. you dont work , you dont eat. Simple really. earn your keep. make it a place you really dont want to be as well as the same time the prisoners would be contributing through hard work to the cost of housing them cutting £££££ off the bill that the tax payers pay.



I concur.





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do you think army would work i donet mean for killers or rapest. but for your drug dealers thugs tleafs etc. put them in army if they mess up put them in a army jail with no holiday camps take there rights away make it as horrible as you can. then when done time go back in army for a year if they mess up again give them more time in a army jail. really do you think that would work. i do for the ones who are in and out like my brother i really think they would think forget this for a life. what do sf users think?

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speaking as an ex prison officer, Prisons are not as easy as you may think,, prisoners are made to live and work to a timetable,, they only get to see family and friends once a week or once a month depending on their behavour,,they are locked up at 8pm, unlocked at 8am for work, ,lots of time spent in a cell, alone or with another prisoner that they dont know,,ive seen the hardest of men cry when they are on there own,, their punishment is being in prison,, its not our job to punish them further,,taking away their freedom is enough,


spare me your liberal drivel. :roll:

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