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Prison is too easy and isn't working

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speaking as an ex prison officer, Prisons are not as easy as you may think,, prisoners are made to live and work to a timetable,, they only get to see family and friends once a week or once a month depending on their behavour,,they are locked up at 8pm, unlocked at 8am for work, ,lots of time spent in a cell, alone or with another prisoner that they dont know,,ive seen the hardest of men cry when they are on there own,, their punishment is being in prison,, its not our job to punish them further,,taking away their freedom is enough,


It obviously isn't working...

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speaking as an ex prison officer, Prisons are not as easy as you may think,, prisoners are made to live and work to a timetable,, they only get to see family and friends once a week or once a month depending on their behavour,,they are locked up at 8pm, unlocked at 8am for work, ,lots of time spent in a cell, alone or with another prisoner that they dont know,,ive seen the hardest of men cry when they are on there own,, their punishment is being in prison,, its not our job to punish them further,,taking away their freedom is enough,


Really? So after these 'hardened criminals' are exposed to your girlyblonde (but hard-assed) Looks, they are deemed to be fit to be released into society?


If that's not what you're trying to tell us ... what exactly are you trying to tell us?


Well, I've been there - so I'll tell you.


The government (any government) is only concerned a bout 'the numbers on the doors''.


Sorry, girlyblonde, you do a difficult and thankless task - and you can expect no thanks from those who ignore you.


You are, however, not alone ... some of us know what you do and we are grateful.

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I agree with you 100% S6owls, they should be signed up for national service of some kind. If they had an Army sargeant shouting in their faces, it might teach them self discipline and respect for themselves and others as that is what some young people lack today. x :love::thumbsup:

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do you think army would work

I'd imagine some type of military boot camp could work for the people who wanted to try it. An army life requires discipline, and you cannot force a man to be disciplined. If he was a pain in the arse then the army wouldn't even give him 5 minutes of their time.


Being enlisted into the army was a punishment used in Tsarist Russia, to terrible results. They lost in Crimea, they lost against the Japanese, and it all fell apart in World War 1 with their revolution. There is a grand difference between making a man into a soldier and forcing a criminal to run, shout "yes sir" and then handing him a gun.

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I'd imagine some type of military boot camp could work for the people who wanted to try it. An army life requires discipline, and you cannot force a man to be disciplined. If he was a pain in the arse then the army wouldn't even give him 5 minutes of their time.


Being enlisted into the army was a punishment used in Tsarist Russia, to terrible results. They lost in Crimea, they lost against the Japanese, and it all fell apart in World War 1 with their revolution. There is a grand difference between making a man into a soldier and forcing a criminal to run, shout "yes sir" and then handing him a gun.


very good points. you can't fill an army with 'hardened criminals' and expect any good to come out of it.


as for making prisons 'harder' that sounds good in theory. the thing is, there are people that got into a bad way here and there and ended up in prison. it's hard as it is so they never go back. they get their act together. then there are those for whom anything within civilized modes of conduct just would not do. they're a 'lost cause' and would rather have their meals etc 'free' than work for it.


we can't design our jails with 'the worst' in mind then expect any good to come out of putting every 'criminal' in there.

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What are elements of punishment and rehabilitation?


What made you reflect in a positive way and amend your ways?



Watching Doctors yesterday, Rob was reminded and walked through a traumatic memory, which was then used to associate to a current issue and use suitable reflections...?


Are criminals mentally ill? (Probably asking that about persistent offenders!)

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  • 1 month later...
I'd imagine some type of military boot camp could work for the people who wanted to try it. An army life requires discipline, and you cannot force a man to be disciplined. If he was a pain in the arse then the army wouldn't even give him 5 minutes of their time.


Being enlisted into the army was a punishment used in Tsarist Russia, to terrible results. They lost in Crimea, they lost against the Japanese, and it all fell apart in World War 1 with their revolution. There is a grand difference between making a man into a soldier and forcing a criminal to run, shout "yes sir" and then handing him a gun.


Thing is the Army don't want people who've been in prison. I got out of prison last year and tried to join but because of my record I wasn't able to. When I was a kid I wanted to join but didn't bother then got into trouble and did my time. I wanted a fresh start when I got out and that is why I tried the Army.


When I was inside I met a lad that had been in the Army. He had done some time in Colchester - the army jail. He said it was much tougher than civvie prison - loads of drill and marching, inspections, hardly any free time, no TV, needing permission to smoke , all that. It sounded really bad from what he said

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