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Bar Etiquette 10/11/05


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I and one of my most sterling chums embarked upon a mini pub crawl on Friday night of the week previous.


First we attended the Museum and declared it to be full of dodgy types with gammy bandits to boot.


From thence we walked in the brisk cold to the Nelson where we sampled of a Guiness and were accosted by women of an age fit to be our grandmothers and left post haste.


Stopping at the Casbah, we found the Murphy's to be rank as ever and soon were on our way (avoiding the Sportsman due to my friends reservations about its being full of "crustys").


In the Devonshire Cat we were greatly taken aback by the tremendous crowds thronging the bar, the pushing and jostling of various ruffians and nere-do-wells and shocked and appauled as many a bounder jumped the queue (a crime for which there is reserved a special place in the nastiest of all the hells).


Is this what passes for gentlemanly conduct in the drinking establishments of Sheffield Township? One should await one's turn and not jump in on the feet of those that came in from the cold before them.


Honestly, it seems that these days some have no more manners than an inebriated chimpanzee.

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I have almost given up with Town not least because these days you cant even get a decent pint of lager.


I had my record waiting time ever at a bar/club in the corp on haloween of 1 hour!


(to be fair it was very busy and service is usually good)

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Originally posted by Carmine

I and one of my most sterling chums embarked upon a mini pub crawl on Friday night of the week previous.


First we attended the Museum and declared it to be full of dodgy types with gammy bandits to boot.


From thence we walked in the brisk cold to the Nelson where we sampled of a Guiness and were accosted by women of an age fit to be our grandmothers and left post haste.


Stopping at the Casbah, we found the Murphy's to be rank as ever and soon were on our way (avoiding the Sportsman due to my friends reservations about its being full of "crustys").


In the Devonshire Cat we were greatly taken aback by the tremendous crowds thronging the bar, the pushing and jostling of various ruffians and nere-do-wells and shocked and appauled as many a bounder jumped the queue (a crime for which there is reserved a special place in the nastiest of all the hells).


Is this what passes for gentlemanly conduct in the drinking establishments of Sheffield Township? One should await one's turn and not jump in on the feet of those that came in from the cold before them.


Honestly, it seems that these days some have no more manners than an inebriated chimpanzee.



Forsooth Carmine, upon a fine autumnal evening with a crescent moon myself and a merry clan did partake of a mini-pub crawl in the fair city of SHeffield, and on our first stop we stumbled upon a den of iniquity and debauchery in the establishment known as Varsity. We were befuddled by the throngs of glamorous women at the bar who did not part for us as we stood waiting for the bar service. We left betwixt the hour of 8 and 9 for the next port of call, a rough establishment known as the Frog and Parrot, where we were jostled at the bar by a collection of elbows belonging to a group of artisans. Unduly disturbed at this bar-room hiatus, we adjourned to the next port of call on our journey, a drinking establishment known as the Weatherspoons pub, and once again, we were taken aback by the amount of jostling at the serving point, whereby the clan received some elbows. Moving West and following the path of the Moon we entered another den of debauchery and elbows, whereby all members of the clan were jostled and rediculed by a group of intoxicated peasants. Forsooth, I declared to the merry clan, having been jostled yet again, 'tis better to stay at home with a can of Stella........

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Originally posted by goldenfleece

Forsooth Carmine, upon a fine autumnal evening with a crescent moon myself and a merry clan did partake of a mini-pub crawl in the fair city of SHeffield, and on our first stop we stumbled upon a den of iniquity and debauchery in the establishment known as Varsity. We were befuddled by the throngs of glamorous women at the bar who did not part for us as we stood waiting for the bar service. We left betwixt the hour of 8 and 9 for the next port of call, a rough establishment known as the Frog and Parrot, where we were jostled at the bar by a collection of elbows belonging to a group of artisans. Unduly disturbed at this bar-room hiatus, we adjourned to the next port of call on our journey, a drinking establishment known as the Weatherspoons pub, and once again, we were taken aback by the amount of jostling at the serving point, whereby the clan received some elbows. Moving West and following the path of the Moon we entered another den of debauchery and elbows, whereby all members of the clan were jostled and rediculed by a group of intoxicated peasants. Forsooth, I declared to the merry clan, having been jostled yet again, 'tis better to stay at home with a can of Stella........

At least some people have a sense of humour!:thumbsup:

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