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Boob job for 7th birthday present

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Hey, I'm starting to feel a bit victimised here. How comes Cookingfat50 and Alcoblog can talk about the funny looking mother without the wrath of Tony Erikson but I can't? :(

No fair!

Simple! ... no one can ever sink to the depths of stupidity to which I exude! It's a lost cause trying to diss me ... I thrive on it! :D

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What a moron! Call me shallow if you want but if she looks like that after surgery i dread to think what she looked like before! She looks like a drag queen to me i dread to think what she looks like without all that slap on! Ewwww! Oh and as for the present for her daughter what a braindead fool!

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But how will I ever reach your high standards of stupidity if Tony keeps supressing me? :mad:

You have to gain disrespect and prove to people that anything you write will not only be puerile but also wildly inaccurate ... it's taken me a few years but it reaps its rewards! ;)

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It's normal for little girls to want to look like their mum and to play grown ups- they play dress up and wear mummy's high heels. It's completely normal to want to look more grown up, and if that includes getting the same shape as mummy too (complete with boobs) then that's all part of the same thing.


What is NOT normal is dealing with this by promising your daughter that she can have surgery to look like this, rather than saying, 'When you grow up you'll be taller and your body shape will change, so you'll have boobs naturally by the time you leave school.'


It depends on the mum.Are you saying daughters of ugly women wish to be ugly?Girls wish to emulate their role models,but if the mother is considered unattractive the daughter may copy Jordan or Anne Robinson or Dinah Washington or Meera Syall,or even Peggy Mount.

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