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Spiders ruining my CCTV !!

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I have some external CCTV cameras at work with infra-red illumination (night vision). Each one seems to have a spider living near it that keeps spinning fine webs across the lenses. The day time viewing is unaffected, as the strands are so fine you can't see them. The problem is at night when the infra-red illumination reflects off the strands, leaving the recording blinded.


Does anybody know of any tips or deterrants to keep the little blighters off the cameras? I'm sick of getting the ladder out and cleaning them off!

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Smear some vaseline round the camera, adjacent to the lens.


WIll that work, or is it just an idea to try?


EDIT: Just thought about this, think you're right. Spiders can't possibly anchor their web to grease!!! Will try it and report back.

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Well that was good.


Just been out with the ladder and cleared the webs off. I was applying the grease to the second camera (above my head) when the spider came out to see what was going off. I don't know if they can attatch webs to it or not, but they certainly can't walk upside down on greasy surfaces, it fell straight onto my face!!! Almost plumetted to my death from the top of the ladder :o:rant: !!!!


LOL thanks for the tip Horribleblob, I'll see on Monday if it has cured the night vision interference :thumbsup:

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You wasted no time getting up that ladder. Let's hope it works in the long run.


Yes I was just checking the CCTV before I went home, because this is when I usually clean the webs off. Hopefully I won't have to do it any more now :D

Thanks again.

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