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Violent riots and looting in UK

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Thieving gets!!

Send in the army, no rubber bullets, no batons just a few rounds squeezed off from one of our highly trained defenders of the crown.


I had exactly the same thought whilst sat watching half a dozen scum smashing up a police car live on the news. Ive heard Tazers are very effective also.


What puzzled me was , there were clearly armed police officers at the scene, so why were their guns kept in their holsters? why wernt they picking off a few of the rioters ? If they had shot half a dozen of the scumbags ,the rest would have got the message and dispersed.

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I had exactly the same thought whilst sat watching half a dozen scum smashing up a police car live on the news. Ive heard Tazers are very effective also.


What puzzled me was , there were clearly armed police officers at the scene, so why were their guns kept in their holsters? why wernt they picking off a few of the rioters ? If they had shot half a dozen of the scumbags ,the rest would have got the message and dispersed.


All they really had to do was use grab squads and kettling to remove and arrest them.


Some one should design a portable prison which can be rushed into these situations so that the Police can safely detain these criminals without taking the manpower from the front line.

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Im no Columbo, although i do own a dirty mack but thats for another thread entirely. But i would deduce that they are a predictable bunch who will use any reason for a slapfest.
I agree


Then cry victim, discrimination, white oppression and then get bucket loads of cash thrown at them by their oppressors.


All the while they will be laughing at us for being stupid enough to fall for it again.


..and what are football hooligans excuses? It's not as if inner city minorities have an exclusive on rioting.

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Can't believe the idiots were trying to set an Iceland on fire.


That said though, if I was skint I'd have probably joined in the looting and got myself some bread, milk and meat/cheese.

thats exactly what they are mindless idiots looking for any excuse to thieve and riot against the establishment, just like the anarcists a few months ago in london, it has absolutley nothing to do with poverty, hunger or being skint, if you notice the rioters almost all to a man had a mobile and was on it!! wearing designer clothes, hoodies, sweatpants etc trainers, big gold chains on a few i saw on sky news ....caused by poverty/unemploymnt dont make me laugh:loopy:

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I think they should arm riot police with dart guns so they can pop off all the rioters and sweep them up later, stick them in jail and cancel any benefits they may collect.

Looters caught on camera should have no defence and have the book thrown at them.


This behaviour is not acceptable.


Carrying guns is not acceptable.

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To our own downfall we have enabled it. We enable the bad behaviour by excusing it due to poverty, unemployment, social standing, race and education. We then throw money at them and hope that will sort it. It doesn't. Look at Burngreave, how many millions spent and how many workers were created? It's the attitude of the kids which has been passed on to them by their parents, adults and the community.


I agree, but it's not just the parents' attitudes that are passed on to their kids, it's the sheer numbers of kids they are having.


Some "community leader" was moaning on the radio just now that there is nothing for youngsters to do, but this didn't stop Mark Duggan fathering four kids.

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