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Violent riots and looting in UK

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Even when (as has been pointed out before) we had boom yearssince?


Maggie didn't make youth unemployment acceptable. As a youth I decided as to whether or not I found employment acceptable. A percentage of youths always have and always will find unemployment acceptable. If anything the Labour government enabled the behaviour more than Maggie ever did.


If these youths are so disgruntled at the actions of the PM 25 years ago why are they bringing more into a broken situation. Surely you work for a better life for your children? After all Maggie made life hard for them.


It's all excuses for nobheads.



The milk snatcher deregulated the banks allowing them to gamble with our money. They gambled very heavily with it and lost, putting us in massive thatcher induced debt.

As a result many people are losing their employment and areas like tottenham cannot possibly even give any hope of employment to its youth in this Thatcher induced recession. She is certainly to blame.

She sewed the seeds of despair, we now reap the harvest.

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It is irrelevant in which geographical areas these jobs were located and also in which fields. Thatcher introduced a system that accepted massive youth unemployment levels. Nobody has ever been able to change it since she destroyed real jobs. These real jobs were in every geographical area.

She is to blame.


Were any of these roiters starving? Were they wearing rags or were they dressed for the occasion complete with mobile phones and accessories?

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I watched this on the BBC news channel.


Some morons started pushing the camera and tried to stop them filming the scene where all the usual 'peaceful' protesters were smashing up a police car with anything they had to hand. One of the presenters started remonstrating with the scum and they had to beat an hasty retreat - not sure if anyone saw this - can't remember seeing this problem before with the press/media in danger at these things. Also other reports of press/photographers being mugged/beaten up whilst the police stood in lines.


It was reported that the hard-core troublemakers numbered 200-300. There were at least this many police there. I've heard there have been 42 arrests. Now there should have been snatch squads targeting anyone thowing rocks, etc the minute they did this - any resistance go in with the batons. The public and the police have the right to be protected and they should have used anything necessary to ensure this.


Once again, it was handled far too softly. Some have suggested we should have units like the CRS riot police squads in France. Maybe they are right.


This crap will not help anyone. The area will just be viewed in an even more negative light. Less people will visit. Who would want to start a company there now? Who would want to risk it after seeing what happened last night.


The community see the shooting of the 'gangsta' as an attack on them. WHY? He was armed, well-known and shot at police. Are they supposed to just let him get away with it all because he is from 'their community'? They should be glad there is one less criminal element on the streets. Yes he shouldn't have died but he put himself in that position and he had to expect the consequences.


It just makes me dumbfounded when its twisted to be something of a racist incident because the police shot someone 'black'. They didn't shoot him because he was black, he was shooting at them! From all the PC stuff we've seen over the years, it looks like the police have been bending over backwards to be helpful in protecting ALL communities. Why does this feeling still persist areas like Tottenham that police are always against them? IF its a high-crime area then the police have a duty to be heavily involved and be SEEN to be involved in that area. Any law-abiding person in the community would (you think) be relieved if they have a heavy police presence...

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then your intellect....if you have any must be so low if you cant see that these riots had absolutley nothing to do with jobs or poverty and everything to do with any excuse to have a pop at the police and do a little bit of looting and add to their collection of shiney white trainers as a side line using the death of some low life as an excuse:P


You say that the riots had nothing to do with poverty. Do you seriously think that people would live in that area if they were not poor?

Do you seriously think that if they had loadsa money they would have needed to steal from shops?:roll:

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Are the rioters really any worse than the corrupt police who have been taking bribes , or the rich and powerful MP's who have been stealing taxpayers money by fiddling expenses?

Which is the lowest lowlife of these?

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I watched this on the BBC news channel.


Some morons started pushing the camera and tried to stop them filming the scene where all the usual 'peaceful' protesters were smashing up a police car with anything they had to hand. One of the presenters started remonstrating with the scum and they had to beat an hasty retreat - not sure if anyone saw this


I saw this. I was quite worried for the reporter and the cameraman.


From that point on it became evident this wasn't about a message or a protest. It was about morons using it as an excuse to be the morons they are allowed to be.


Often on the news when people have a message they want the cameras there. They want the media to record every gory detail if it highlights their struggle. All the media were highlighting last night was the mindless thuggery of the morons in Tottenham and surrounding areas.

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You say that the riots had nothing to do with poverty. Do you seriously think that people would live in that area if they were not poor?

Do you seriously think that if they had loadsa money they would have needed to steal from shops?:roll:

now you really are showing how silly you are, there is nothing wrong with the area its the same as any other inner city some good some bad, people stay in areas for various reasons, and i am sure they didnt need to steal from shops.....they wanted a free big screen tv and new trainers did you not watch the news???? some even stood outside comparing size lables, bags full of JD sports clothes.......didnt see one food shop being trashed:suspect::suspect: take off those rose tints

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I watched this on the BBC news channel.


Some morons started pushing the camera and tried to stop them filming the scene where all the usual 'peaceful' protesters were smashing up a police car with anything they had to hand. One of the presenters started remonstrating with the scum and they had to beat an hasty retreat - not sure if anyone saw this - can't remember seeing this problem before with the press/media in danger at these things. Also other reports of press/photographers being mugged/beaten up whilst the police stood in lines.


It was reported that the hard-core troublemakers numbered 200-300. There were at least this many police there. I've heard there have been 42 arrests. Now there should have been snatch squads targeting anyone thowing rocks, etc the minute they did this - any resistance go in with the batons. The public and the police have the right to be protected and they should have used anything necessary to ensure this.


Once again, it was handled far too softly. Some have suggested we should have units like the CRS riot police squads in France. Maybe they are right.


The trouble is with the heavy handed approach some police officers become over zealous and we end up with dead members of the public like Blair Peach, Jean Charles de Menezes and Ian Tomlinson.

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Are the rioters really any worse than the corrupt police who have been taking bribes , or the rich and powerful MP's who have been stealing taxpayers money by fiddling expenses?

Which is the lowest lowlife of these?


All have been or will be held accountable. Why excuse one over another? They were simply mindless muppets who used the family of the shot man's protest to have a kick off. The people of Tottenham could have stood out in this one had they waited and let the system do its job. Instead a group of mindless morons have given them a situation where now no-one will take their case seriously. Way to go on crapping on your own I say moron.

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