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Violent riots and looting in UK

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Both are wrong but there is a world of difference between taking your fight to the heart of government and destroying your own backyard. I knew what s/he meant but it's a bit of a lazy analogy. I do buy the class aspect though, middle class white kids have high spirits while black yout are the scum of the earth etc.


No one on here has suggested that though have they ?

Both are scum, black youths and middle class white kids, both should have been policed more aggresively, only the 'do gooders' will argue otherwise !

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wheres the evidence for this?


The media isn't allowed to taint the enquiry, but I have heard local leaders speak out to this effect, even again this morning on SML (Sunday Morning Live, BBC 1)


A Coloured Man Makes A Mistake, And Pays With His Life


So you have evidence this was a mistake, even though armed officers were sent because he was known to carry a gun!



But to you, no he's innocent because he's black, c'mon... He was a thug with a gun, full stop!

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No one on here has suggested that though have they ?

Both are scum, black youths and middle class white kids, both should have been policed more aggresively, only the 'do gooders' will argue otherwise !


I totally agree. I was just making a political observation. I'd like to have seen troops from the Guards barracks in central London arrive en masse in their two tonners and form a ring of steel. I'd have liked to have seen snatch squads.

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This victim mentality thing is really annoying. Why do ethnic communities (Not all of course) see the type of thing that happened to the bloke in the taxi (who was shooting at the police, remember!) and seem to think its an attack on them and the police are out to get them?!


Get it into your heads. The police are there to fight crime, no matter what race/colour/religion you are. If you are commiting an offence that is deemed to be such under the statute book, expect the consequences. No-one should be let off because they view themselves (wrongly) as an oppressed minority. Alot of these attitudes haven't seemingly changed for decades. Sure, there are racists out there, but things HAVE changed. Just look at all the training police and the public sector go through to ensure they treat everyone the same.


It seems, even the PC world we have created over the last 20+ years isn't enough though - the police are automatically seen as causing trouble after this shooting incident and bang, another riot as the community doesn't get the right answers immediately...

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still no riot, dont think EDL have enough support to raise a riot:hihi: and if the white EDL supporter was shot by a muslim copper because he shot at him then he got what he deserved!


We're all in agreement that the shooter got what he deserved (assuming the accounts we've heard so far are correct), but given how exciteable members of the EDL become over women wearing the burka I think the outcome wouldn't be as certain as you claim if a Muslim policeman shot one of their number during one of their bouts of anti social behaviour

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There has to be a balance though Boyfriday. Police can't just be expected to stand there and be targets for petrol bombs and bricks.


I'm not advocating a total 'police beating the living crap out of everyone in sight' approach but there should have been snatch squads that went in there and took out the ones coming forward and pelting the riot vans with bricks. There were enough police there to do it. It just takes the will.


Otherwise, this will happen again and again. We'll end up like 1985 and getting another policeman getting hacked to death. What about his rights?

I heard that MP, Bernie Grant at the time basically supported the rioters and said the police had got a good kicking. He should have been sacked the minute he said it.


What we saw last night was the usual low-life you get anywhere. Northern Ireland is a good example - do you think the ones causing the trouble REALLY care about the issues or, more to the point, have the intelligence to think about them. No, they just want to smash things up and get back at the police as they don't like the naughty police getting in the way of their useless criminal parasitic lives.


Again I'm not defending the softly, softly approach, just highlighting some of the reasons why the police are reluctant to adopt a stronger one, invariably when these things are unravelled in the wash it's usually the police who have the finger pointed at them.

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One thing we do know is less job, less police and higher cost of living is going to mean more of this sort of thing.


The fact that its in Tottenham is probably just down to its previous history with rioting and people using the place and the incident with the shooting to go to Tottenham from surrounding areas to kick off.

This wont be an isolated incident, pretty soon we are going to be talking about scenes like this in towns and cities up and down the country.

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It was made a 'race issue' as early as post 10



..and has continued as such.

People just say what they see, although it was basically 'multi cultural' if we want to be precise about it, there was just about every race in the world looking at the BBC news. I think it would be a hard case to make if anyone wanted to try pin this riot on any one race of people.
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