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Violent riots and looting in UK

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Its not a good idea to post common sense solutions like you have on here as the resident Bleeding Heart brigade will label you as some kind of Barbaric, blood thirsty far right winger. :)


...I thought you'd perceive any such reference as a compliment?

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I suspect that a number of the small businesses which were destroyed in Tottenham may not re-open.


Some of the larger retailers may think twice about re-opening in the area.


Fewer amenities for the people who live there and fewer jobs, too.


If (as has been suggested) the rioting and pillaging was carried out largely by outsiders, then they will be the ones guilty of spoiling the environment for the local residents. They won't be the ones who have to pay for the damage, however.


If parts of London (or parts of other cities, for that matter) become too violent then those who can leave will leave. Shops and businesses will pull out and the local councils will have even less money to provide services for those who can't afford to get away.

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you think maybe cus they wernt;):)


Well you referred to the 'usual suspects' nightlight, the youth of Tottenham haven't kicked off for 25 years, so it doesn't leave many other options.


I guess we could have said football hooligans or some of the more lary membership of UAF ;)

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To me its simple Police need to get tough with anyone causing trouble no more of this holding off it does not work and its not fair on the law abiding citizens in those areas who are seeing their comunity distroyed.

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