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Violent riots and looting in UK

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It appears that the Police started this by shooting an armed criminal dead.


The fact that the criminal shot at them first is no excuse.

This may not be a fact, just like the 'fact' that Jean Charles de Menezes wearing a heavy coat was not a 'fact', merely a police lie. The 'fact' that Jean Charles de Menezes was wearing a light jacket was a subsequent police lie. The factual 'fact' was that he was executed whilst wearing no coat or jacket at all.


I'm not saying Duggan didn't draw a gun, I'm saying we don't know whether this is true or not.

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Im getting angry watching this on the news, what are the police playing at? theres about 20 or so people/kids loitering around a street corner around some wood they've set on fire and are throwing stones at the police, and the police are just stood there watching them!! why dont the police surround them, pile in and throw the lot of them into vans and take them to the station?


Evening all blinky blonkey blimey sarge I'm only doin' me job.


We don't want any institutional racism (arresting criminals of ethnic and or religious difference and or sexually perverse lifestyle from the host population) going on now do we PC Plod ?

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The armed police DO have more powers .............Loaded guns ,but for some bizarre reason they wouldnt use them last night to pop off a few scummy rioters. Shame.

Surely you can fathom the reason why not? :roll:


I wouldnt have a clue but seeing as this aint about them then i dont see any point in you even asking.

I see the point. It shows the forum readers what way you think. :)

Personaly i think its to do with the (misplaced but inevitabe) outrage should the law of the land waste a couple of no hopers.

Especially if said no hoper are non white.

Closed Mind guy, if the police 'waste' even one person in cold blood, public outrage is entirely appropriate.

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did this guy really have a gun? why would the locals riot if he did??

Of course he should not have an illegally held weapon but it's been claimed that he did. This doesn't mean he had it drawn. We've been told there was a gun battle between Mark Duggan and police. We weren't there, we don't know. Maybe the police executed him. Certainly wouldn't be the first time it happened. Apparently the bullet that saved the policeman by penetrating his radio came from a POLICE handgun. Did Mark Duggan have a police gun, or was the cop shot mistakenly?

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Because while they were taking the 20 or so people off to the nick, the friends of those arrested (and those who read about it on tw*tter or wherever) would start smashing the shop windows and stealing the merchandise.


After all, if the police go around arresting people for lighting fires and throwing stones, surely that's a good reason to break into somebody's shop and nick all the merchandise?

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It appears that the Police started this by shooting an armed criminal dead.


The fact that the criminal shot at them first is no excuse.


This may not be a fact, just like the 'fact' that Jean Charles de Menezes wearing a heavy coat was not a 'fact', merely a police lie. The 'fact' that Jean Charles de Menezes was wearing a light jacket was a subsequent police lie. The factual 'fact' was that he was executed whilst wearing no coat or jacket at all.


I'm not saying Duggan didn't draw a gun, I'm saying we don't know whether this is true or not.


As you said Shims, it may - or may not - be a fact.


Would you prefer the police to investigate themselves or would you prefer the INDEPENDENT Police Complaints Commission to do the investigation?


It seems that the initial protesters in Tottenham weren't prepared to wait for the results of the IPCC's enquiry. The complaint was that the Police (who are not permitted to investigate themselves for obvious reasons) hadn't announced the results of the inquiry they were not supposed to carry out.

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