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Violent riots and looting in UK

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Who, exactly, is keeping black people at the bottom of society?

Our system and those who exercise the power within it.


Are there really large numbers of highly-qualified and skilled black people who are being denied jobs because of the colour of their skin?

I wouldn’t say they are denied the jobs but generally they don’t seem to move up in their careers regardless of them being as highly qualified as their colleagues.


Or are there large numbers of poorly-educated semi-literate unskilled black people who can't get (and keep) a job because employers see them as unemployable?

Both these, and the above - but there are more white people who fall into this second category by nature of the fact that the white population is much larger.


I have a number of fairly senior and wealthy black friends who have (or are retired from) good jobs. They - like the rest of us - were born naked and howling. In many cases, they were born into a society where there was a considerable amount of discrimination. Rather more discrimination than you would have found in the UK during the last 25 or more years.

There are always people who do well despite adversity but it doesn’t discount the fact that they had to overcome significant and often deliberate obstacles to get there, nor the far greater number who don’t reach this status despite their graft.


Those black people who were born in the UK went to (or had the opportunity to go to) free schools. Schools which taught the same syllabus as other schools. They didn't have to tolerate segregation and had the same opportunity to go to colleges and universities as did other young people. Many of them did so.

Whilst this is true in theory, it does not mean they experienced the same standards of education or treatment as their contempories hence the reason a good friend of mine had to go to university as a mature student.

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