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Violent riots and looting in UK

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The youth cant get jobs, they can't access affordable housing, they can't access education without becoming debt slaves. They can't even get a frigging allotment to grow their own food. And whilst they are denied the ability to work for themselves or put a roof over their own heads, then expect more of what we have now.


I was brought up in a single parent family, had a troubled upbringing and all that yawn. I still can't get on the housing market and have to pay a fair amount in rent. I can't access free education either and have had to pay for it like any other. I can't get an allotment, I have to buy fresh veg (Though why you think these prats would have an allotment is beyond me. Most of this lot consider Maccy Dees fertile ground) and cook it, land is expensive.


They are not died the ability at all. They choose not utilise their abilities.


There may be a few frustrated individuals but the majority are just spoiled western teens who fancy a kick off as they aspire to little more.


How the hell are they going to pay your pensions? How the hell are they going to pay the national debt down?


How are they supposed pay their own way?


Part of the cuts is so they may not have too but I'm not here to support tory policy. I don't honestly think if there were two jobs for every one of these individuals that they would still work. They like their lives, it's easy. Stop falling for the whining, it's just a line to justify their ignorance.


Kicking the crap out of the community won't help. But what else do you expect them to do???


Look after themselves rather than expecting everything to fall at their feet. There are loads of jobs in London, so many unskilled jobs. The very strange thing I find whenever I visit London and its service outlets is that hardly any of the staff are actually from London. I don't have the answers and don't profess to know all but one thing is clear, these riots are not a cry for help.

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Sadiq Khan, David Lammy, Dianne Abbott and the like make me laugh calling for people to think of and take some responsibility for their family and ask themselves where is my son/brother/nephew etc, and do something about it; the Labour party through the years has eroded traditional family values and wanted us all to worship the state instead.


The Labour party is largely to blame Britains social problems that are coming home to roost right now.

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Do you think that would inflame or defuse the situation?


Well I can see a bar in Croydon aflame a 90 year old woman had to be dragged out.


The Prime Minister is returning home to host COBRA meeting tomorrow the situation is inflamed (literally) it can be defused when rioters start hitting the pavement.

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Oh for goodness sake grow up and get a sense of proportion - what do you think the army could do that the police can't?


Get control? The police have lost control, even with record numbers deployed in London. I wouldn't support live fire but the army could reinforce the police numbers and have a good armoury of riot controll ordanance and a lot of expierience in using it in iraq/afghanistan

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Well I can see a bar in Croydon aflame a 90 year old woman had to be dragged out.


The Prime Minister is returning home to host COBRA meeting tomorrow the situation is inflamed (literally) it can be defused when rioters start hitting the pavement.


Not answering the question there are you?

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The youth cant get jobs, they can't access affordable housing, they can't access education without becoming debt slaves. They can't even get a frigging allotment to grow their own food. And whilst they are denied the ability to work for themselves or put a roof over their own heads, then expect more of what we have now.


How the hell are they going to pay your pensions? How the hell are they going to pay the national debt down?


How are they supposed pay their own way?


Kicking the crap out of the community won't help. But what else do you expect them to do???


You're right, the disenfranchised masses have now took to the streets, total frustration been let out in the forming of rioting.


Young people have energy, drive but nothing productive to do so they become destructive.

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The 'excusers' on here are pathetic, this crap about poor, lacking opportunities, kept down bull, this lot are nothing but opportunist scum. The 'communities' will be bleating for money to rebuild the infrastructure that their youth have destroyed, why are their parents and community leaders not out there calming these numpties down ?

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Oh for goodness sake grow up and get a sense of proportion - what do you think the army could do that the police can't?


With all due respect Halibut, you aren't sitting in the middle of it. The police have backed off from areas where there is significant trouble and are merely controlling the perimeters, preventing vehicles and people from going in and out. Emergency services are being prevented from getting in for their own safety and the locals are being left to 'go it alone', and many of the fires are being left to burn out of control and spread.

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