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Violent riots and looting in UK

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When whitey went rioting and beating up coppers during the miner strike it was portrayed as some revolution, all justified and Thatchers fault, now because they mostly have tanned skin there is no excuse, young people today are all lazy .............

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Sadiq Khan, David Lammy, Dianne Abbott and the like make me laugh calling for people to think of and take some responsibility for their family and ask themselves where is my son/brother/nephew etc, and do something about it; the Labour party through the years has eroded traditional family values and wanted us all to worship the state instead.


The Labour party is largely to blame Britains social problems that are coming home to roost right now.


Diane Abbott just said on 5 live words to the effect that what makes it worse is that they are doing it to their own communities. So apparently its worse than doing it in some predominently white areas......


The army will be on the streets tomorrow...

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Yes agree 100%, some of the opposition and their supporters will try to score points politically over this lot and all reasoning will be lost, there are no excuses for what's happening...it's copy cat opportunistic criminality !


Absolutely agree Michael and lets not forget that Labour poured vast amounts of money and resources into these areas with community schemes, new facilities and the like. Judging by what's happening it didn't do a great deal of good.


At some point you have to stop making excuses and deal with the criminality of the situation first. That in this case will have to be by very 'robust' policing rather than the hand holding and coffee mornings of the last 13 years which clearly hasn't worked.

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As punishment perhaps the fire services should just let the buildings burn and then the rioters can rebuild them as community service and for their benefits. Plenty of jobs for all concerned then.


The Goverment will pump funds in, start a Scarmanesque Inquiry They will fund safety valve organisations a la Dolly Kiffin and here fraudulent activities the first time this happened.

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Are you seriously arguing that some kind of folk memory accounts for the miserable lot of many blacks !!!

'Folk memory' says a great deal about how you feel about REALITY. Iinjustices that are not meted out upon yourself.


An African nation has never owned a European nation, has never invaded one. So far as I know a black person has never owned a white person, or prevented him from using his own name or language. This type of legacy can have an affect on people. You wouldn't be interested.


Black people in Tottenham can't pretend or forget like yourself, they deal with it everyday.

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