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Violent riots and looting in UK

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'Folk memory' says a great deal about how you feel about REALITY. Iinjustices that are not meted out upon yourself.


An African nation has never owned a European nation, has never invaded one. So far as I know a black person has never owned a white person, or prevented him from using his own name or language. This type of legacy can have an affect on people. You wouldn't be interested.


Black people in Tottenham can't pretend or forget like yourself, they deal with it everyday.


:loopy: yer talkin utter crap IMHO !!

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Bullcrap...It all comes down to the quality of parenting, whether you're rich or poor there's no excuse for being a bad/couldn't care less parent and most if not all of these rioters parents were young adults and thrown on the scrapheap under Thatcher/Tory rule! It's a knock on effect that's now biting them on the arse!


No that's 'bullcrap'.


Toxteth, Brixton 1981. Thatcher had been in power two years matey. So who threw their parents on the scrapheap. Wilson? Callaghan?. Labour in power 1964 -1979 apart from Heaths four years between 70-74.

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