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Violent riots and looting in UK

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I'm not blind, apparently you are. Are you saying they are not by the vast majority black british?

I don't know the figures and neither do you. Most of the looters in Enfield were white from what I've heard. In other words various people involved.


Most black people in London aren't involved in this.


Oh, look you had a grubby little agenda after all .. :roll:

Anyone who thinks this is just the work of mindless idiots is deluded. There are serious underlining issues in Britain that have been building for a while.


Multi-cultural Britain is becoming a hell hole.

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The difference is that in a dictatorship you know where you stand whereas in a democracy you are fooled into believing that you are free.


only somebody with a total level of ignorance about the reality of dictatorships would write something as foolish as that. Only a small number of the inhabitants of dictatorships know that they are even living in one. They're brainwashed from birth into thinking the Dear Leader is the best thing ever, and whose picture is in every shop, office, workplace, and factory in the entire country the media is strictly controlled, and dissidents routinely jailed without charge. It makes me sick to read the posts from these privileged prats, sitting in comfort in the west, who have no idea how bad actual dictatorships really are compared to the lucky countries they are citizens of.

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Agreed with the broadcasting. It just encourages it for me. (well not me personally but me as in....You know what I mean)


I agree. You only have to watch these fly on the wall police shows. Everyone is staggered when people get rowdy outside a club at 2am and then get worse when they try to get on camera when a film crew turn up.


It won't last long. Ringleaders willget pinched in the next few days and it will all stop. It stopped in the eighties. Did the jobs fall from the sky or did relations improve dramatically with police ? I was too young to remember but I'd guess people got their collars felt.

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Can someone explain to me why all these moronic meatheads feel that their right to protest equals smashing up Debenhams and Currys' windows and looting all their stock.


What right have they got to go smashing up innocent businesses and injuring hundreds of people.


I think a few more bullets need to be distributed. That might stop the ignorent barstewards.


One tragic event that noone other than the people concerned has any knowledge of the facts of has turned into three days of chaos by a majority crowd away from the affected area. If this is the sign of Britain in the 2011 I think its time to emmigate.


Any of you people on this tread who think there is one single political point to be scored as a consequence of these events need your heads kicking off. Its nothing more than mob rule and needs to be stopped NOW.

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only somebody with a total level of ignorance about the reality of dictatorships would write something as foolish as that. Only a small number of the inhabitants of dictatorships know that they are even living in one. They're brainwashed from birth into thinking the Dear Leader is the best thing ever, and whose picture is in every shop, office, workplace, and factory in the entire country the media is strictly controlled, and dissidents routinely jailed without charge. It makes me sick to read the posts from these privileged prats, sitting in comfort in the west, who have no idea how bad actual dictatorships actually are compared to the lucky countries they are citizens of.


You didn't complain about US sponsored dictatorships used to bulwark the Zionist state.

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'Folk memory' says a great deal about how you feel about REALITY. Iinjustices that are not meted out upon yourself.


An African nation has never owned a European nation, has never invaded one. So far as I know a black person has never owned a white person, or prevented him from using his own name or language. This type of legacy can have an affect on people. You wouldn't be interested.


Black people in Tottenham can't pretend or forget like yourself, they deal with it everyday.


You're wrong mate check out the barbary pirates, Africans who enslaved British and irish.


The only problem here is people like you keep forcing these people to see themselves as only victims and so stir their unrealistic sense of entitlement.


No doubt in the coming days we'll see "community Leaders" asking for more resources.


Personally I'm still getting over the Roman invasion shims.

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Strange you're not asking the person who brought the subject up, are you shouting from the back again.


You're the one who mentioned Barbary pirates - so I ask you again, what does that have to do with today's situation?

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