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Violent riots and looting in UK

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My only wish would be that the rioters go into the areas where the political elite live and smash there neighbourhoods, burn and loot.


Only when the political elite are targetted will anything be done.


The people who created this multicultural hellhole live perfectly safe in there ivory towers, in areas that can only be bought by someone one the state payroll.


While the rioters smash up London's eqivalent of Fir Vale and Burngreave then nothing will change - smash up the leafier suburbs and this whole thing will come to a stop by the end of the week


Are you deliberately trying to be a penis.


What do you think the police and authorities are trying to do now. Do you think they are sat on their hands doing nothing.


Not everyone in those leafy suburbs are politcal elites. They are full of people who actually work and contribute to society and pay money into the system unlike these bunch of dole scum morons who just take take take from the system. Pull your head out of your back end and try watching the news.


Dont even attempt to condone this sort of behaviour anywhere. You never know when someone might feel smashing up your house one day just becuase you happen to be in the wrong area at the wrong time.


Sod off back under your rock.

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Only a small number of the inhabitants of dictatorships know that they are even living in one. They're brainwashed from birth into thinking the Dear Leader is the best thing ever, and whose picture is in every shop, office, workplace, and factory in the entire country the media is strictly controlled, and dissidents routinely jailed without charge. It makes me sick to read the posts from these privileged prats, sitting in comfort in the west, who have no idea how bad actual dictatorships really are compared to the lucky countries they are citizens of.



Strange to comprehend but so true...



Many others are told to believe things too who are deluded or are affected all their lives.



I was always told I could do anything I put my mind to, maybe a fair bit of effort will probably be required, but it'll be worth it in the end!

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Err ... it was your statement, not mine! I suppose you think their is no trouble in the country caused by people who aren't the offspring of immigrants ... :hihi:


I merely said that multi-cultural Britain is a hell hole and that the majority of the rioters are black. If you think all is well in the country and the rioters are mostly Chinese then you are deluded.

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People have been pushed too far by this government, they dont care how much the people are suffering, the cost of living has risen to ridiculous levels, and all we see are the rich bankers and chairmen coining it in....well the worm has turned

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To be fair it was relevant as a refutation to shims ongoing claims that basically black people are all oppressed and have a go on the rampage/loot randomly/sell drugs/shoot each other because as shims claimed no black man ever owned a white man as a slave but white men did own black men as slaves therefore it's all fine.

As even you are probably quite aware, that bears no relation to what I wrote.

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Can someone explain to me why all these moronic meatheads feel that their right to protest equals smashing up Debenhams and Currys' windows and looting all their stock.


What right have they got to go smashing up innocent businesses and injuring hundreds of people.


I think a few more bullets need to be distributed. That might stop the ignorent barstewards.


One tragic event that noone other than the people concerned has any knowledge of the facts of has turned into three days of chaos by a majority crowd away from the affected area. If this is the sign of Britain in the 2011 I think its time to emmigate.


Any of you people on this tread who think there is one single political point to be scored as a consequence of these events need your heads kicking off. Its nothing more than mob rule and needs to be stopped NOW.


This is frightening but true.

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People have been pushed too far by this government, they dont care how much the people are suffering, the cost of living has risen to ridiculous levels, and all we see are the rich bankers and chairmen coining it in....well the worm has turned


No excuse for whats going on though, none whatsoever, there are kids out on those streets taking serious liberties !!

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People have been pushed too far by this government, they dont care how much the people are suffering, the cost of living has risen to ridiculous levels, and all we see are the rich bankers and chairmen coining it in....well the worm has turned


I'd agree there's much more to this than most will admit. Even if jobs are provided they are low paid with no future. The country's ready to explode..

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Err ... it was your statement, not mine! I suppose you think their is no trouble in the country caused by people who aren't the offspring of immigrants ... :hihi:



Whites don't seem to riot everytime one of their own is shot, even when they have no connection to gangs, guns or drug dealing.

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