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Violent riots and looting in UK

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People have been pushed too far by this government, they dont care how much the people are suffering, the cost of living has risen to ridiculous levels, and all we see are the rich bankers and chairmen coining it in....well the worm has turned


Oh yes..... another one who feels the peaceful right to protest = smashing up innocent business.


Get off your horse. This has absolutely sod all to do with the government, bankers, cost of living....... yawn yawn.... blah blah.


Its a bunch of anus heads looking for an excuse to kick off. Nothing more.

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I merely said that multi-cultural Britain is a hell hole and that the majority of the rioters are black. If you think all is well in the country and the rioters are mostly Chinese then you are deluded.



But I don't.


If most of the rioters are black, as you claim, why do think that is?




This one's for Frank, not the rest of you.

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I cant believe some of the tails on here it seems mentioning/noticing someones skin colour is worse than burning peoples homes/business to the ground.

Fact is most of them are not white stop defending em, its got sod all to do with that bloke who got shot either.


Get a grip

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Condemnation of slavery is compulsory but mention of Jewish finance of it is worse than the original slavery eh?


it's a barefaced racist lie straight out of the Proocols of the Elders of Zion and Strormfront. Some slave owners and business people were Jews, for sure - but very few. What you're doing is trying to maintain the pretence, like a Nazi, that Jews 'controlled' the industry when they did not and were in fact fifth-class subjects in Europe at that time and with next to no rights.

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I don't buy the idea that this has all come about because people are disillusioned about the economic and political state of the country. It's no coincidence that this is happening during school holidays. News reports are stating the vast majority of the 'rioters' (wrong term IMO) are aged between 13 and 16. I know damn well I didn't have any political agenda at that age. It's more likely that they are bored and frustrated because their parents don't give a toss about them and only gave birth to them so they could get a council house.

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I agree with you with regards to the protesters just being thieves and vandals.


I agree with Halibut on this one but with a bit more of a reason why. I don't believe we should resort to bullets (unless the rioters use them of course). Several reasons; we're more civilised, just because those around you act like morons doesn't mean you should. We have many other less violent tools to do the job, imagine what street cred it would give any kids that "took a bullet" or died? Let's not make martyrs of these yobs.


Don't emigrate, if you love your country then stay and shape it.


:thumbsup: This is what I say to people from other countries in despair, if all the good people leave then things will only get worse!

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Whites don't seem to riot everytime one of their own is shot, even when they have no connection to gangs, guns or drug dealing.

Nor do they have a history of police oppression to compare to that of the Afro-Caribbean community.

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I'd agree there's much more to this than most will admit. Even if jobs are provided they are low paid with no future. The country's ready to explode..


If the Euro collapses and we get further trouble with the bond markets and banks the results will make today look like a day out at the beach !

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