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Violent riots and looting in UK

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I don't buy the idea that this has all come about because people are disillusioned about the economic and political state of the country. It's no coincidence that this is happening during school holidays. News reports are stating the vast majority of the 'rioters' (wrong term IMO) are aged between 13 and 16. I know damn well I didn't have any political agenda at that age. It's more likely that they are bored and frustrated because their parents don't give a toss about them and only gave birth to them so they could get a council house.


Spot on my friend.

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Like what? The kids being victimised by the police? No jobs? No education? Lousy parents? A benefit system that enables them to live without aspiration? A community that alienates them? All of the above?


Though none of these kids are protesting, they're just rioting and looting.


Don't leave out the showcasing of the lives we should lead and all the things we want to buy. We have an "I want it all" society, they need to realise that you need to work to get it!

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Are you deliberately trying to be a penis.


What do you think the police and authorities are trying to do now. Do you think they are sat on their hands doing nothing.


Not everyone in those leafy suburbs are politcal elites. They are full of people who actually work and contribute to society and pay money into the system unlike these bunch of dole scum morons who just take take take from the system. Pull your head out of your back end and try watching the news.


Dont even attempt to condone this sort of behaviour anywhere. You never know when someone might feel smashing up your house one day just becuase you happen to be in the wrong area at the wrong time.


Sod off back under your rock.



LOL :thumbsup:

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People have been pushed too far by this government, they dont care how much the people are suffering, the cost of living has risen to ridiculous levels, and all we see are the rich bankers and chairmen coining it in....well the worm has turned


Wake up, this all started whilst the last lot were still in power... :loopy:

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Nor do they have a history of police oppression to compare to that of the Afro-Caribbean community.


Come on shims enough of your sociology 101 poop or get off of the pot.


How does the mis treatment of grandpa Sylvester by the police in the 60's stop young Leroy taking advantage of free state education, preferential schemes by OxBridge colleges keen to 'do their bit' and the professions bending over backwards to get young blacks into the law and medicine?


Young Leroy probably doesn't know who daddy is let alone grandpa Sylvester.

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